A story with the supernatural...

Heya all.

First off, I am not talking about putting magic or vampires in Mouse Guard.

What I mean by this thread is to discuss how we might make an interesting tale with some kind of “strange” or “unusual” occurances within it.

There’s plenty of “real world” tales where not everything can be explained.

So, how can we bring some of the unexplainable/mysterious to our Mouse Guard heroes? Do you have any ideas?

Some (most) tales of the supernatural should or could be explained, but some should always lead to some unknown or unexplainable result…

Here’s a few…

  • A strange old mouse-spinsteress lives at the edge of the moor. Some mice go to her for remedys, some mice go to her looking for something darker…
  • Stories have begun to circulate along the western edge of the Scent Border. Strange lights have been seen in the ruins of Walnutpack.
  • There’s a blind mouse-lad in Wolfepoint who has warned the community of several dangers well in advance…

The squirrels around Sprucetuck have been harassing the town excessively, almost as if being provoked into it. A mouse arrives claiming to be a sorcerer able to control the squirrels and will set them on the town unless his demands are met. In actuality he is using scent based science to drive the squirrels into a frenzy and attack the locations he wants them to.

We can take “The Village” as an inspiration, maybe?

Unmouselike Diego, why don’t you start a new thread talking about using the Village as inspiration?