Actions in conflicts


First time poster. I just recently bought Mouse Guard and love it. I also just recently ran my first session. It went well. Not perfect obviously because we are just learning the rules but the game has potential for many years of play with my group.

Question: Must each side in a conflict choose their three actions for a conflict at the beginning?
Would it be normal for both sides to choose the first then depending on the what happens choose their second action?

The question comes to mind because of an argument conflict. It is easier to form your points based on what you said and they said. You may plan out different points but you can’t really plan when exactly you are going to say them.

Same way with a fight. you might defend at the end of it to get some of you disposition back in order to not have to give a major compromise. But if you are winning the conflict then going for the attack would be better in the third action.But if you chose all three before the fight then you would have to work it into the strategy.

Thanks ahead of time for any help.


Each team chooses three actions at the beginning of each turn during a conflict.

You gotta pick all three! This helps to reinforce the feeling of chaos that comes during a fight. You see, before the fight you might have an idea of how you’re going to handle the opponent, but once the hits start, stuff gets crazy.

How does this translate to an arguement? Well, in the heat of the moment, no one is really able to be perfectly analytical with every single thing said. We (as characters) just have a general idea of what we want. In my mind this ties the game to beliefs and emotions more than skills! I could be wrong though.

Yup. You just have to go into the round knowing generally what you’re planning to do in the next three actions, and adapting your words to what they throw at you when it’s revealed.

Same way with a fight. you might defend at the end of it to get some of you disposition back in order to not have to give a major compromise. But if you are winning the conflict then going for the attack would be better in the third action.But if you chose all three before the fight then you would have to work it into the strategy.
Yes. But then you wouldn’t have the fun of wishing you had scripted an attack instead of a feint. MG fights are all about those little surprises.

Welcome to the forum.

What he said. I wouldn’t plan out too much what you’re going to say for future actions, just what actions you’ll take. Then when that action comes up, say something that fits in the context of the argument, but which also fits the Maneuver (or whatever) action that you picked.

Okay thanks guys,

I was pretty sure I was doing it right. I just needed a second opinion.
