I see now that the bonus dice listed on 436 are applied to the new positioning test. I also see that the +Ob penalty goes to whoever is currently disadvantaged (lost the vie for position test).
If a character wins the position roll and is afforded the bonus dice listed shown in the chart on page 436, do those bonus dice only apply to positioning tests, or also to all actions taken during that exchange on all volleys?
Thank you again for your patience, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel
This really cleared things up for me too! Thanks Donbaloo and Irminsul.
One thing I would ask; Donbaloo, you mention “We look at who had the Advantage coming out of the exchange, let’s assume the Advantage remained with the Orc.”
How could this Advantage have shifted to the Roden by the end of the exchange?
But remember, once you are Engaged, weapon length doesn’t provides bonus dice like it does in the Engage. You get bonus dice from stride and from having the Positioning Advantage. Chris explained it very well in his example above.
Thanks Thor, I have now re-read the pertinent parts of Fight. Really struggled with the section on Advantage and Positioning. Donbaloo’s example was necessary for me to grok it.