Getting Started Hacking

Paul, I was thinking the same thing while watching Prince Caspian last night. That is, there are these cool warrior mice that are part of Narnia. It would be fun to play the mouse’s part in within the larger framework of the setting, and possibly even play out challenges of the more specific story. It might be possible to interact with humans in that case since Narnian mice are large - maybe a quarter-size of humans. I could see Prince Caspian or any of the 4 kings and queens acting like an uber-Gwendolyn. But if that was too much of a stretch, it could totally be human-free (especially if you wanted to adventure during the absence of the 4 kings & queens when Narnians became more legend than life).

I don’t think hacking in magic would be too big of a deal, assuming you don’t just try and cram the existing BW system in.

Something based on Spirit Binding would work well, I think. You can recolor it as needed, retribution can be a matter of getting conditions flipped for getting the aid of spirits. Also, the spirits of the earth are easily modeled with Nature (Spirit) instead of strength. You could scale it from the nameless spirits of the earth to things with a bit more personality with a great chain of being, and similar impositions on what sort of bindings you can do with various skills. Look out for going after those Supreme Deities with Nature (God) 20.

Also, Luke, what would be the problem with extra conditions? I agree that the core mechanics should be left alone for the most part, but I’d like to understand the particular objection to understand the mechanics and intent behind them more (especially as I was musing about hacking the game into a D&D-esque fantasy thing with Elf Nature, Orc Nature, Dwarf Nature, and Human Nature with humans able to have a “class” like descriptor for their nature that varies but is picked from a list, and I was tempted to add an extra condition but thought that the decision with human nature and a variable descriptor was as far from the core mechanics as I wanted to get).

  1. They are not supported by the rest of the game.

  2. There’s a lot of easier hacking work that can be done without immediately diving for the fine controls.

Hmm! It’s not a Mouse-related hack per se, but the role of Nature seems to be a bit like how I was imagining the role of the environment in a Dark Sun inspired BW game.

I was thinking about a “journey as a conflict” type thing, with maneuvers available to the environment and the protagonists (protagonists could “steal water”, “follow a caravan”, etc; the environment could offer “salt bed”, “cannibal raiders”, etc).

These are obviously “weapons” in MG parlance (I’ve still not got the book, so I am reaching a bit I realise).

I’m pretty pleased that Luke has made a mechanic for me to nick, since I was dreading fooling around with specific conflict mechanics. Yay!

OMG Mouse Guard Dark Sun!

I thought you did actually mean DangerMouse!

I’ve been mulling over the idea of using MG to portray the resistance fighting the Weasel Overlord’s occupying army after their rapid victory of the 2nd Great War. A la Secret Army, Black Book, and Casablanca.

The last remnants of the shattered Mouse Army managed to escape the invading Weasel’s at the battle of Dawnrock, when a flotilla of small boats appeared from the North and spirited the demoralized mice away. Rumours abound of a great Mouse army, led by Gwendolyn, building on an island to the North, ready for the great invasion and liberation of the Mice nation from the cruel subjugation of the Weasels.

At home small bands of determined mice come together to form cells of resistance against the fascist Weasels and their occupation and slavery of micedom. With great secrecy and enthusiasm despite little training or equipment, these valiant groups of heroes take on the might of the Weasel occupation force.

One of their more important missions includes spiriting away those Mice who the Weasels want to get hold of and who frequently are ‘sent east’ never to be seen again. A secret railway operates across the occupied Mice territories moving hunted mice from cell to cell towards the North shore and then to be spirited away across the sea to the safety of the Northern Isle.

The resistance also carries out acts of sabotage and assassination against the occupiers as well as gathering intelligence to be sent to Gwendolyn so that, when the day of liberation come, the vanquishing mouse army will be victorious.

The main enemy of the resistance is the secret police of the weasel Overlord. Through the use of informers, midnight ‘disappearances’, torture, and the mass execution or deportation of Mice to the dreaded ‘East’, the Weasels seek to destroy the resistance and make them pay dearly for every act of defiance towards weasel rule.

Help does come, sporadically, to the beleaguered mice from Gwendolyn in the Northern Isles who oversees and coordinates the resistance effort across the mouse territories, and secret mouse agents clandestinely slip onto the mainland by small boat in the dead of night with missions, arms and information for the resistance.

Just a thought, and probably a hack that’s not one for the kiddies.


That’d be a sweet MG campaign.

I’d ask John to run it, but out track record for our BW games makes horrific reading :wink:

  • Neil.

I thank you. Unfortunately, with life being so hectic, it’s going to be just a germ of an idea until real life settles down, ie, when I’m about 70.

Yeah, we’re bad BW players. But 2009 is going to be our year for BW-goodiness. Please…


We should persuade everyone to kick Burning Zeestad in to touch and work on fleshing out this idea. :wink:

  • Neil.

To get this thread back on topic, I’ve PM’d you Neil.

In fact, I’ve created a new thread for the newly retitled ‘Free Mouse’. It’s amazing what i’ll do instead of write an essay…it’s only due in Friday after all.:rolleyes:

I’ve begun tinkering with my MG hack for The Wire:

Feel free to comment here or there.

Some kind of WW2 The Great Escape/Prison Break kind of thing could work with MG I reckon.

It’d have to be a fairly short series of connected missions to achieve “waypoints” on the road to freedom in friendly territory.

• Premise: The characters are all imprisoned by the bad guys, in the heart of enemy territory. They are isolated and have only limited resources and few sympathisers to rely upon. They have to get out.
• Missions: There is only one main mission: get out. All the missions in a session are stages moving towards getting out or towards getting resources needed to get out.
• Conflicts: I don’t think there are any new conflicts. Perhaps something specifically about scrounging/begging/conning gear out of the captors/locals/wilderness - probably this is a simple test though - unless people want to make it a social or vs. “Nature” type challenge.
• Weapons: More or less the same, with some WW2 colour (guns, vehicles, gymnastics equipment, Red Cross packages, hidden radios).
• Overarching Conflict: Get Out. Escape the Stalag and the clutches of your enemies. Possibly also applicable to other POW situations (Soviet imprisonment, Japanese imprisonment) but these tend to be less dramatised (Japanese imprisonment dramas are more about surviving the imprisonment rather than escape).
• Territories: Prisoner of War camps (big compunds, old castles). Germany and occupied Europe. The Alps. The Low Countries. Maybe Finland?
• Denizens: Soldiers, friendly and unfriendly locals, dogs, alpine wildlife, resistance types, Allied operatives and commandoes.
• Skills: Probably lots, maybe a lot of recoloured things to reflect a military focus.
• Abilities: These would need to reflect prison black markets and the problems with accessing resources and circles in an occupied and mostly unfriendly environment.
• Traits: Ranks, things to reflect prison experiences, maybe secret agendas (“I’m really an Allied spy!”), cheesy national stereotypes, handlebar moustaches.
• Recruitment: The “ranks” might not be military ranks but how “incorrigible” a prisoner you are. “Higher/Older” characters have been in the system for a while, have better networks, have honed their skills and plans for escape better than FNGs. Specialisations probably either are military (although this might be better as “parents” and “hometown”) or to do with what your plan for escape is!

I might make some traits and fiddle with recruitment on my break; if I get anything publish the notes in a document somewhere for people to rend into fragments.

As comes out of this thread (starting post #11) North West Mousey Police. If you wanted to drop the mice you could as easily do North West Mounted Police. Weather can stay the overarching natural force. Far flung settlements is all there. Rustlers, wiskey traders, claim jumpers, and even the occasional murder is great. But also remember that the NWMP were representatives for the Crown in other ways too. Because of it being frontier they were the Queens presence even outside of strictly the criminal matters.

On the mechanical side I see the hack would mostly involve stats for pistols, rifles, and such. It’s bearly a skin over the MG. [EDIT: The only thing is your PC wouldn’t normally meet the materiarchal Queen in person.]

Never done something like this before but here goes.

Mouse Wars:

• Premise – The mice of the Jedi order are monks, warriors, hand-crafters and philosophers. You are one of those Jedi.
• Missions – diplomatic missions as well as combat missions when needed.
• Conflicts – I don’t think there needs to be any new conflicts here.
• Weapons – lightsabers, blasters, probably add in some form of the Force as a weapon, possibly something like Force Attack (for pushing, pulling, throwing, etc) and Force Mind (“these are not the mice you are looking for” type effects).
• Overarching Conflict – The overall conflict is Light vs Dark side.
• Territories – Turn some of the popular planets into territory types (Endor = Forest, Dagobah = Swamp, etc).
• Denizens – bounty hunters, rebels, stormtroopers, Sith, smugglers.
• Skills – Administrator, Archivist, Armorer, Astronavigator, Deciever, Fighter, Force Reader (replaces Weather Watcher), Haggler, Harvester, Healer, Hunter, Instructor, Loremouse, Militarist, Orator, Pathfinder, Persuader, Pilot, Scout, Survivalist, Techmaster.
• Abilities – Depending on the era the game is in these would include trouble dealing with/against the Jedi Council, rebel groups, the senate, the empire, etc.
• Traits – Most of the book ones would work very well as is. Change Weather Sense to Force Sense to represent the “bad feeling about this” attitude or the “search your feelings” Jedi often do.
• Recruitment – Start the same but replace Guard Rank with Jedi Rank (Padawan, Knight, Master, Council Member, Grand Master).

Move on until Nature. Answer these 3 questions instead: 1) Do you put the needs/wants of the Jedi Order above your personal needs/wants? 2) Do you face conflict immediately or do you sit back and reflect on the proper course of action? 3.) Do you feel anger towards your enemies?

Where were you born moves on to picking a planet your mouse is from. Move along as normal, parents are important, the apprentice part is who you studied under while a Youngling, etc. The only other part that changes is Cloak Color. That changes to Lightsaber Color.

Other than that stuff, I would probably change Hungry & Thirsty into something like Doubting or Distracted. Something causes you to question your path (find out your father is the evil bad guy, develop feelings for the queen, finding out you have a sister, etc). Whenever this condition is imposed the mouse’s disposition suffers during conflicts.

Alex, I’m also working on a Jed-oriented Mouse-Guard hack. I’ll probably put it up once my copy of the book arrives.

Doing lightsaber colors like cloak colors is brilliant. Wish I had thought of that.


For a minute there I was picturing a redneck family feud type of game, or maybe one where backward hick mice discover oil and move to Hollywood.


Funny. Is it bad I think that could totally work with Mouse Guard?

Cool, I’d be very interested in seeing it.

I’ve also toyed with doing a Clone Wars version where all the PCs are part of the clone army. That’s still just a thought in my head though, nothing down on paper yet.