Here's a revised version of my rules summary

Spent a few days making it. It fits nicely onto a single double sided page and covers most the commonly used rules.

I haven’t had a chance to double check it, but looks pretty good at first glance. Thanks for sharing.

Incredibly useful. It covers basically everything the GM screen from the wiki doesn’t, as well as some of the things it does.
Also, no annoying, hard to print pictures.

Awesome!! That definitely fixed my big complaint the earlier version being a kinda intimidating list of steps. Here, it works awesomely as a quick-reference. I can just gloss over the bits that I’m not looking for.

Here’s some stuff I noticed:

-Under “The GM Modifies the Base Obstacle,” the last item is about spending a maximum of 1 fate, 3 persona and 2 deeds on a roll. It comes right after the item about spending 1 fate to ignore superficial wound penalty.
Arranged like this, your sheet implies that spending 1 fate to ignore superficial wound penalty uses up your one fate point per roll, meaning that you can’t later open-end sixes.
I’m pretty sure that’s not true. The fate point to ignore superficial wound penalty isn’t spent on a roll. It follows the Shrugging It Off rules on p. 497, which say to ignore the wound penalty for the entire rest of the scene. You might spend a fate that way just before a roll, but it’s not specific to that roll, and the 1 fate per roll maximum isn’t relevant. (I think the 1 fate per roll is less a limitation and more a natural consequence of what it means to spend fate on a roll: You can’t very well open-end sixes twice, can you? Once they’re open-ended, they’re open-ended.)
My suggestion is that you remove the bit about fate maximums per roll from this section, and make sure instead you point out in the next section that you can only spend up to 3 persona on adding dice.

-Under “Add Bonus Dice,” if traits give bonus dice, isn’t that different from situational advantage? As I recall, the player gets to petition once for 1 situational advantage die, and the GM can add 1 as well, (or 2 if the player didn’t petition,) should they so desire. But it doesn’t say anything about getting dice from traits.

This is cool, though. I’m going to pass that link along to my players.

Correct. The limitations aren’t on how much fate / persona / deeds you can spend per-se, the limitations are on the number of things you can do. You can only spend three Persona because you’re only allowed to add three dice, likewise there are two deeds effects so you can only spend two deeds.

-Under “Add Bonus Dice,” if traits give bonus dice, isn’t that different from situational advantage? As I recall, the player gets to petition once for 1 situational advantage die, and the GM can add 1 as well, (or 2 if the player didn’t petition,) should they so desire. But it doesn’t say anything about getting dice from traits.

Correct as well. The sheet is also missing what I like to call the “magic tools” bonus: balance dice for weapons and the like.