Looking to run MG for kids

What rolls when is usually just common sense and knowing what the skills do. Many times, the intent and the method will tell you which skill to roll; almost all active tests* should be skill rolls. Passive tests are more likely to be attributes (Nature, Will, or Health), but if a good skill choice presents itself, go with it.

  • “I do ___ to ___.” is active, as is “I cause ___ to happen”.

And while Luke isn’t that uncommon for answering questions as the designer of a game, Luke’s a rare gem in that he does so frequently and consistently. (Coming to mind immediately as answering questions freely and frequently: John Wick, Greg Porter, Greg Stafford, Thor Olavsrud, Ron Edwards, Greggor Hutton.) Most game companies try to answer rules questions, and many do so with forums. Heck, Greg Stafford is after me to finish a revision of a web-book I did for Pendragon…

Boy, you long-term Forum folks are awesome! I wish I had the level of advice you’ve all been giving for this post ‘back in the day’.

Booly : Remember, the first rule of RP is to ‘have fun’. That means for all concerned, sat at the table, including you. I, still today, get the nervous jitters when I begin a new game, and I’ve been doing this for quite some time (since the mid-80’s).

Leofric, please read the rules of the forums. The last post in this thread is almost 2 months old. If the topic interests you and you’d like to revive that subject or comment on it, start a new thread and link back to this one for reference.