Max Dice for Difficult = 1.5 x Ob

This emerged out of a recent thread, but I figured I’d lodge it here since we’re actually using it now.

If Dice < Ob: Challenging
If Dice <= Ob x 1.5: Difficult
Otherwise: Routine

We’ve only just started, but I have to say so far I’m really liking it - it’s just so simple, it’s lovely not to even worry about tables or other mnemonics any more.

I think you mean < not >

So I do, thanks!

Sorry to go all Math lawyer on you but…

If Dice < Ob: Challenging
If Ob == Dice OR Ob < Dice <= Ob x 1.5: Difficult
Otherwise: Routine

Not as easy to remember, perhaps…

Actually to be really pedantic you want it to be:
Dice < Ob : Challenging
Dice >= Ob AND Dice <= Ob * 1.5 : Difficult
Else : Routine

Both for readability sake (x < y < x*n is hard to process on the fly) and also because it reduces the amount of scratch paper you need.

laugh Not how I thought this thread would go.

Those are lovely tries, but it’s far neater just to add the ‘Else’ I was missing (this is pseudocode, not the domains of a function).

If Dice < Ob: Challenging
Else If Dice <= Ob x 1.5: Difficult
Else: Routine

For the sake of sanity, it would be nice to focus on the impact this has on the game rather than alternative ways to write the same thing (unless you find a substantially more concise and/or memorable way).

Dude, your audience is full of NERDS.

All things said, I’m curious to see how it works out in long-term play and if you start to see more or less advancement, especially right around the 4d hump.

Obstacle 2, Dice 3

Obx1.5 => Dice, but it’s not Difficult it’s routine. So maybe just > not =>?

This rule doesn’t create exactly the same difficulties as the original rules - that’s why it’s in Sparks! But it’s very close for common dice and obstacle numbers. 3D Ob 2 is one of the differences. Changing to > would cause far more differences.