Rules Confusion

1.) What happens in a conflict when you have Feint vs Attack? It says the Feinting player may not attack or defend, what does that mean? And what does the Attacking player do?

2.) How should I handle “Reflection” during the winter session, if it is just a 1-on-1 game?

I’ll probably be back with more questions as I read more.

  1. Page 106, second column, mechanics paragraph.

  2. Good question: The game’s not built for long term one-on-one play. You must be the player’s representative. You pick his trait. You also get to veto a change or elevation and you get to change and remove a trait. It’s really an unfair amount of power!

1.) That didn’t really help, what I meant is that the Feint section says that against Attack the Feinting player cannot attack or defend, which is confusing. I’m guessing what that is meant to say is that the Feinting player doesn’t make a roll, same as Defend vs Feint, the Defending player doesn’t roll.

2.) Thanks, I’ll have to see how that goes.

New Questions -

3.) The “Natural Order” chart is missing a fair amount of creatures that are listed in the book, how should I place them on the chart? Is size the only factor, or does the capabilities of the creature important too?

4.) The sheet only has 9 pass check marks for Resources and Circles, I assume this is a mistake or typo, not that you only need 9P & 9F, correct?

  1. Yes, no roll.

  2. It’s mostly size. Just use your best judgment.

  3. The error would be that there should only be 8 fail dots on there, since that’s how many you’d need to advance 9 to 10 (the max rating for those attributes). The dots are just for tracking tests, they don’t countermand the rules on p.227.

Many thanks!

5.) For complex obstacles (ie. roll this, then this, then this) should all the rolls be made by one player, or is it ok to have them switch off?

I don’t see any reason why it couldn’t involve more than one PC making the various rolls.

Yup. Page 87, Who Makes the Test?