Very interesting. I like it so far. You must have had to do a lot of research. I really like the traits and nameing system. It would be cool to have a character with a really long roman name. All the roman words get a little confusing, but I think being albe to use them will make people feel smart. In fact, I think it will all be rather a lot to take in and remember. Still looks fun though. Can’t wait to see what it’s like when it’s done.

More ideas:
When you end up doing more on the weasels, it might be cool for you to have diferent clans and races of weasels so they aren’t all joined and loyal to each other. You could make some of them German like, and some of them Gual like, ect.

I think it would be awesome if you did two different versions like you were talking about.

Thank you. I’ve been interested in the romans, greeks and other cultures around The Mediterranean so I’ve read a book or two. I’ve also cheated a little by working on a swedish role playing game in a fantasy republican Rome culture and a swedish simplier role playing game about antropomorphic animals with traits from the ancient fables before I started this project.

I’ll try to keep in mind not to make the language too roman. It’s a hard balancing act to weave in foreign stuff into a fantasy culture to give it a taste of something but still not make it too foreign.

Absolutely. I don’t know what’s in store for Mouse Guard but since I’ve been joking about the ferrets wanting to get rid of their weasel lords I’ll probably also elaborate a little on the different mustelids (weasels, ferrets, martens and so on). They’re of a little extra interest for me personally also since my nickname ‘‘illern’’ is swedish for ‘‘The Ferret’’.

Might be, might be. I wouldn’t have to rewrite the whole hack so it’s not impossible. I also like the idea but knowing myself I shall not work on too many projects at a time :slight_smile:

Thank you. I’ve been interested in the romans, greeks and other cultures around The Mediterranean so I’ve read a book or two. I’ve also cheated a little by working on a swedish role playing game in a fantasy republican Rome culture and a swedish simplier role playing game about antropomorphic animals with traits from the ancient fables before I started this project.

I’ll try to keep in mind not to make the language too roman. It’s a hard balancing act to weave in foreign stuff into a fantasy culture to give it a taste of something but still not make it too foreign.

Absolutely. I don’t know what’s in store for Mouse Guard but since I’ve been joking about the ferrets wanting to get rid of their weasel lords I’ll probably also elaborate a little on the different mustelids (weasels, ferrets, martens and so on). They’re of a little extra interest for me personally also since my nickname ‘‘illern’’ is swedish for ‘‘The Ferret’’.

Might be, might be. I wouldn’t have to rewrite the whole hack so it’s not impossible. I also like the idea but knowing myself I shall not work on too many projects at a time :slight_smile:

You might want to add Quartius to the name list. It seems an oversight considering the list includes Secondus, Tertius, Quintius…

In fact, given roman naming praxis, all the way to Decius, probably should have ordinal names for males available (even as Primus/Primius was seldom used, it should be there).

Also, the feminine common ordinals for names, as well.

Cool stuff so far.

Maybe the weasels should be Easterners? There is a kind of “curved sword” look to some to art depicting weasels in MG. Perhaps there are weasel cataphracts and the like? :slight_smile:

Maybe there is a lot of different dangerous mustelid cultures?

Thanks and thanks.

At least in my roman variety of Mouse Guard there will be different mustelid cultures dominated by the weasels (although the mice don’t necessarily know much about the differences, the mustelids are their enemies, enough said) and I will seek inspiration in the early cultures from the Middle East.

This is great. Are you going to use animals native to the Italian penninsula? I want to see what you come up with for places to be born.

I will modify the animals section, yes. For example lions are added to my working document. Maybe we will see a mice helping a lion and starting off the famous fable :slight_smile:

Places to be born will be modelled on territories of about the same size as in Mouse Guard RPG Original but maybe with less small settlements and the bigger settlements a bit bigger to make a more city state-like area. I will try to use the roman and greek societies for modelling the different city states since I find the ambivalent attitudes from the cities to each other interesting. Asylum will be a Rome-like city and Sapientia will be a Athens-like city.

This looks to be pretty cool.
I’ve been a big fan of roman setting rpgs ever since I first played Fvlminata.

Keep up the good work :slight_smile: I want more hacks so I can milk as much as possible from this rpg.

An early morning coffee and a smoke drawing.

If I could be Maecenas :slight_smile: Me like!

That’s a Mouse Guard to take on a weasel, me like.

If I do the other variety of SPQM with yet more roman mice and more imperial roman mice maybe this could be the intro text (it would be like later in the same history as the one I’m working with right now)?

[i]It’s the age of silver and it’s dying. Most mice have lost all hope for a returning golden age with its heroes and poets. There is one hope though - victory for mice over the other animals. Appearently mice is the superior animals. They are sentient on a level above all animals except the mustelids. The are civilized, more so than any other animal.

Shall mice prevail? Shall mice bring order and civilization to other animals? Shall there be a new golden age?[/i]

Also I feel a bit inspired to do something bysantinish mouse guardish too but one thing a time :slight_smile:

legionnaire practice!

I get a feeling of earlier roman soldiers which is really good since SPQM isn’t the roman empire many think when they hear Ancient Rome (even if there might one these too).

I’ve made some updates on the document SPQM Is there any favourite roman ‘‘hooks’’ you think I should use? For example ‘‘voting for two leaders alternating their leadership and almost all officials elected for one year a time’’ or ‘‘the central city is, according to legends, founded by outcasts from other cities’’ or ‘‘the ambivalence between the cultural but conquered east and the primitive but military strong and guided by the gods west’’ or…

I’ll also try to remember to do my blogs about Mouse Guard and SPQM in english in case anyone is interested. In that case you’ll find most of this blogging here