Time Travel in the Iron Empires [Majory Geekery]

I believe it is esentially the same thing I had posted. A loophole past the limit of C. When you dig down deep it effectively is about finding a shorter path between two points than a simple straight line. Which is indeed wierd to think about.

Awesome! Terrifying “drive-torches” ahoy! :slight_smile:

A number of sci-fi settings simply make it such that, at superuminal velocities, one is not perceptible by STL sensors, and vice versa.

It solves the “Ship appears then backs up and goes forward simultaneously” of FTL exit.

Then again, ranged perception is all time travel… to the past. Nothing we perceive is the present; it’s time delayed by the distance from the event to our senses. Light by 1 sec per 298Megameters. Sound 1s per 343m in dry air, and 1s per nearly 1500m/s in water.

Radar, for example, doesn’t tell you where something is, it tells you where it was a fraction of a second ago (Usually, this is close enough for most functions…)