The printer version of the 2e books are out. Yay!
If you want to get the complete 2e books, visit the Torchbearer store
From the last release of all three rule books, there were over 24,000 tiny, almost imperceptible changes: mostly formatting tweaks and character styles and formatting to add some nice polish to the layout.
The biggest changes to the current version books:
- added bookmarks
- replaced printed book background with a white background for the digital version
- links added to index
If you find anything I missed, please post below.
Dungeoneer Handbook R60 vs R66
Removed “the utter trash” before Adobe Creative Suite.
“Magicians must select a mentor.” added to p.37 Mentor question.
“Eldritch Flame” changed to “Flames of the Shroud”
Weight of the Burden changed from:
“When a theurge exceeds their Urðr or performs a ritual without the appropriate relic, they feel the weight of their total burden immediately after the invocation, whether the ritual was successful or not.”
“When a theurge exceeds their Urðr, they feel the weight of their total burden immediately after the invocation, whether the ritual was successful or not.”
- Cartographer description fixed from:
“you can travel to a location and travel to it with needing to test, provided no other obstacles have emerged since your last trip.”
“you can travel to a location without needing to test, provided no other obstacles have emerged since your last trip.”
- Healer and Survivalist removed from Laborer skill-helper list to become:
“The Laborer skill is used to perform manual labor, to carry more than you should, and to help trade and craft skills like Alchemist, Armorer, Carpenter, Cook, Hunter, Peasant, Sailor, Sapper, Stonemason and Weaver.”
Typo fixed in Swarm.
Wyrd Lights, Eye of Omens, Numinous Sigil, Rhyme of Opening, Veil of the Chameleon, Empyreal Messenger, Cloak of the Lords of Forges, Evocation of the Lords of Battle, Invocation to the Immortal Waters, Spring of the Eternal, Vision of the Lords of Chaos and Law, Absolution of the Lord of Endings, Apotheosis of the Lords of Law, Blessing of the Lord of Winds, Exaltation of the Lords of Battle, Foundation of the Lords of Law, Visage of the Lord of Victory, Blessing of the Ancestors, Horn of the Valkyrja factors slightly reformatted.
Scholar’s Guide R58 vs R68
- Added missing “s” to actions in Skills and Abilities per Action.
Loremaster Manual R37 v R46
Minor edits in Credits Due
Added to the bottom of Level 6 Skinchanger level benefit:
“You do not need to have taken the level 4 Heartbeast benefit to take Skinchanger.”
Factors for skills and invocations slightly reformatted.
The bullet for Horse changed from:
“A horse can be fitted with two saddle bags (1 sk), each equivalent to a satchel (containing three inventory slots). They can also be saddled to carry a rider (1 sk) or harnessed to pull a conveyance (2 sk).”
“A horse can carry three sacks (3 sk) of cargo.”
- Added missing description entry for Pony:
“Ponies are small horses who can carry two sacks (2 sk) of cargo. They are granted to +1D to Nature when hauling.”
Conflict Actions section text slightly reworded for clarity.
Negotiation Weapons and Armor changed from:
“Status: The character with the highest Precedence in the negotiation absorbs 1 pt of damage per hit. However, they must roll 1d6 after absorbing each hit. On a roll of 1-3, the illusion of their status is shattered and cannot be used again in this conflict.”
“Power: A character who represents authority or power in this situation—like a captor or warlord—absorbs 1 pt of damage per hit. However, they must roll 1d6 after absorbing each hit. On a roll of 1-3, the illusion of their power is shattered and cannot be used again in this conflict.”
- Added section to warfare:
“Acting Against Unactivated Units
If making a versus test against a unit not activated on this action, the unit rolls the standard resistance, but cannot benefit from its self defense.”
Battle Results and Skirmish Results compromise descriptions changed for Minor, Half, and Major compromises.
Too Tough to Handle Results compromise descriptions changed for Major compromises.
Added to Order of Operations:
“Monsters count as units.”
- Units Captured bullet changed to:
“Captured units, heroes and commanders can be ransomed or traded for other captured units or for a price.”
- Minor text changes and more guidance for p.128 (Units Driven Off, Killed, Destroyed, and Results sections).