Hi all,
I’ve been having a hecka good time with Mouse Guard with my friends. I’ve got about 8 players who have played at least one complete mission. So each mission has a different grouping of mice. So far the story has come together pretty nice and I’ve heard my players say a couple of times “That’s cool that you tied that in.” All that said, I just wanted to share the missions I’ve made and possibly get some feedback.
Here you go
Mission 1: Jillian and the cure.
Description: Escort Jillian the scientist and her cure from Lockhaven to Sprucetuck. Beware of the hawk!
1: The River (ob 3 survivalist, pathfinder, or boatcrafter)
P: See 2
F: Condition- Angry or hungry
2: The Hawk! (Fight or chase, players choice Roll 7 +2DM, +1DA, +1sA for fight)
P: Scare off/kill hawk (whatever players goal was) see 3
F:Twist- Hawk takes Jillian and compound recipe (but not actual compound)
3: Out of the Hawk into the Rain (Weather watcher vs 6 or Health check ob 3)
P: Arrive in Sprucetuck
F: Condition- Sick
Player’s turn
My Game
Malachi (Patrol Leader with a kill all that stands before us approach to life)
Eli (A young guardmouse scientist who prefers to find alternative means to accomplish an end)
Zeratul (A determined patrol guard who believes in the value of all things)
The patrol received the mission from Gwendolyn.
When confronted by the River they all had some way to help, unfortunately they failed and Malachi’s player happily took on the angry condition.
When confronted with the Hawk Malachi’s player stepped up as the leader and said they were going to fight. This did not go so well for them because they lost and Jillian was taken. Fortunately one of the patrol was holding the actual compound.
The rain was beaten by Malachi’s weather watcher check and so they avoided getting sick.
In the players turn Malachi kept his angry condition and decided to fight each of his patrol mates (He had an extra check and this was the players first game so they wanted to spar.)
Eli stepped up in a huge way and used his check to rewrite the recipe for the compound. He failed, which just meant that it took longer than he wanted and a few mice died from the disease before they could be treated.
Zeratul had to leave early so he did not get to use his check.
None of the mice tried to go save Jillian. I use this later in a big way. Jillian’s Dad is the mayor of Barkstone and her fiance is a vengeful bugger.