Hi all,
First time BE GM trying to figure it all out. Love the game, from reading only, and it looks like it’ll be a blast to play. Right now I’m burning up the GM FoNs for our game and am a little confused about circles and resources.
The FoN I’m working on is the CEO of a mining company. She’s the Vaylen patsy during the Invasion phase. The government is a merchant league in which the various corporate concerns of the planet own shares related to their contribution to overall planetary profit (imagine CHOAM from Dune). Her company is important, but not the most important. She wants to move it up the ranks and end up the director of the board. To do it she’ll sell her soul…to the tune of engineering a disaster to kill some of her own workers and then manipulating the situation to loosen up regulations on immigrant labor so she can import some Vaylen worker organisms (unhulled) and cut costs massively, among other things. She’s the Carter Burke that gets the whole thing rolling. I want her to be rich and powerful, able to call on her company’s manpower and resources to accomplish her schemes.
I’ve got her lifepaths, skills, and traits all worked out and I think I’ve done that properly.
Circles/relationships/affiliations: She’s got 7 circles from her lifepaths and a Will of 5, giving her base circles of 2. To make her the Chairman and CEO of her company it sounds as if I have to buy her a 2-circle relationship with the President, a 2-circle affiliation with the company itself, and a 2-circle reputation within the company. Does that sound right? That would take 6 circles, leaving me 1 to add to base circles, giving her circles stat an exponent of 3. She doesn’t have to pay for her relationships with PCs. Does she also get a free relationship? That’s a bit unclear to me. On one hand she’s a character and RAW says characters get a free relationship…but on the other, she’s a GM character and benefits from free relationships with PC characters that establish one with her and from the GM’s circles reserve option.
Resources/property/tech: She has resources of 15 from her lifepaths. It sounds as if I should buy her an estate and a company facility. The world is low-index. So, if I buy her an estate for 1 resource point it gets 4 tech resource points worth of security systems, etc.? Do I need to spend more on the company facility or is it just 1 point unless I want more tech resource points? Do I need to spend a point each on vehicles (ground car, grav sled)? Are those just color unless I want them to figure heavily into the plot? If the PCs try to kill her by cutting her (color-only) brake lines or something like that do I have any options?
I could probably wing some of this…but I know the player is going to ask me pretty much the same questions as she burns her characters. Any advice you can offer will be much appreciated.