So. Coming up with a Belief is not as easy for some as it is for others. Some folks just need a good set of examples to come up with one of their own. I thought it might be cool for all of us to put a list together of Beliefs. Others can use it as a example-base or just plain ol’ steal one when they need it.
I also plan on starting a Instint thread of the same type.
What I’ll try and do is take any that are posted in this thread and update this starting post with them all listed out.
The list thus far…
BIG LIST O’ BELIEFS A guardmouse needs to be able to think with her head and act with her heart.
A guardmouse never gives up, no matter the danger.
All possibilities should be explored for the well-being of the Guard.
Always give my all to the Guard.
Ask not what the Territories (Mouse Guard) can do for you, but what you can do for the Territories (Mouse Guard).
Build, do not destroy.
I am superior to all other mice in the Territories.
I must embody the true ideals of the Guard.
I’ll build a good name for the Mouse Guard.
It’s not what you fight, but what you fight for.
Knowledge is a Weapon.
Justice is more powerful than arms.
Live twice by living well.
No victory without sacrifice.
One day I’ll be done with this, but for now, once more into the fray.
Reason is the best guide to right action.
Success is gained by careful attention.
The best solution is always found at the point of my sword.
The Guard knows what is best for all mice.
The law of nature outweighs the law of rule.
The place for the Guard is in the wild, not in Lockhaven.
To know the truth is to know freedom.
Trust in the honor of the Mouse Guard.
What is born of the virtuous heart rarely fails.
With knowledge comes responsibility.
A lot of good, solid, heroic beliefs, there. These,like the instincts in a thread with a similar name, could be filed of their serial numbers and repurposed for heroic characters of any stock. Nicely done!
A lot of good, solid, heroic beliefs, there. These,like the instincts in a thread with a similar name, could be filed of their serial numbers and repurposed for heroic characters of any stock. Nicely done!