Hi @Johnny_Gaijin.
I’ve not dug too deeply into “The Blossoms are Falling” in recent times. It’s been quite a while, and I’ve ingrained BWG way more these days than BWR, so my apologies if I make a mistake in the following!
Glancing back, under BWR (p146 in Book 1), you’re positioning every Volley, rather than every Exchange (as you do in BWG).
Yes, under BWG, you don’t test for positioning if you and your opponent have the same length weapon.
However, if you’re facing opponents with a range of weapon lengths / one of you is disarmed part way through, etc. then I can see this coming into its own.
Negating the penalty from the Blind Trait in these circumstances is the big advantage of the skill.
It being a Skill (Blind Fighting, p108 in my copy of Blossoms) rather than a Stat means it’ll likely increase a bit faster initially (given that Routine tests become useful). It’s cheap (1 skill point / general skill point to open), rather than requiring further Trait points to acquire.
For my part, I’m not sure that it needs updating to BWG.
Yes, it’s only useful once every Exchange, but it shines where different weapon lengths are in play, and you can FoRK into a Positioning test, which is rather exceptional! Blossoms suggests FoRKs of Seifukujutsu and Observation.
I’d love to build a character around it, reveling in using the “wrong” weapon when facing my opponents, and then relying on my Blind Fighting skill to put them at a disadvantage in the positioning.
“Sure, you’re using your sword, but I’m going to use my fists and, if I win positioning, you’ll be at a penalty. So, I’m rolling my Blind Fighting + FoRKing in Observation / Brawling.”