Well, yes a bit.
I think this is also running hard up against my problem with the disconnect between maneuver rolls and what happens within a maneuver. On the instinctual level I feel like I get it – the former is what’s important, the latter is the fun stuff that makes it more than just a die rolling contest.
But it doesn’t sit very well with my gut – which is that player success within the maneuver should translate directly into success (or improved odds of success) at the maneuver level itself. It still feels to me like there’s never any real success for what the characters do within a maneuver, I always get to say “yes, but not really”.
Then, once you’ve destroyed his life, undermined his power and ruined his reputation. You find him and hull him.
But this works the opposite way too right? If I destroy the factories of a PC, he still has an industrial base, just not that particular one. There’s no real change to his stats or his effectiveness, he just has another grudge against me. As long as we’re not directly attacking things we’ve paid real points for, it’s all just color and it’s all there to be exploited as we see fit.
Actually killing/hulling a PC requires all the effort that it would take for them to get a FoN (so they’d basically have to devote a Phase goal to it).
Circles up his daughter. Hull her.
Side question: Can we use a circles test to find someone and then move right into a linked action (like hulling them, killing them, bribing them, or whatever) all in one action? The way we’ve been playing it so far, there’s one action to find the guy and then follow-on actions to interact with them, but you’re implying (and it seems like a better model) that you can find someone and then do something with/to them in one go. It will certainly make life easier for our Governor-General who needs a few specialist NPCs to help bulk up his fire teams.
Also, if they ousted your FoN with a psychic duel in Infilitration by changing one of his Beliefs, he’s free to return in the next phase or whatever so long as the players didn’t win a phase intent to remove him. You can always just change the Belief!
Oh! That’s right. Oh that’s good to know. It makes psychic mind-reaming a bit less heinous than we thought. And since the Psychologist is now a Codebreaker anyway – might as well brain-burn 'em all. 
Circles up his Chief of Security. Hull him.
Oh, you mean Lemmy? His metal-head Kern bodyguard who’s always with him and has a connection die? Yeah, I got some special plans for him.
But if PCs have relationships with NPCs that they paid for and burned up during character creation, how badly can I screw with them? Most of them have some sort of inimical relationship to a Vaylen-side FoN, but those are “my guys” so that’s a given. And one PC has a son who hates him and I’ve been proactive about using him to put the screws to the PC, but what about Lemmy or another friendly NPC? Can I just up and say “he’s hulled/killed/maimed horribly”? I don’t have any problem kidnapping them or putting them into some sort of jeapordy, but can I just up and declare them dead/hulled if I didn’t make any effort bringing them into being? Again, this seems to be an area where the PCs paid for something good and if I want to take it away from them, I have to go to the mat and corner them and stab them in the face.
Anyway, I think I feel better about how this is works. I need to let them do their worst and not worry about the consequences. I also need to hammer on them a lot and make they can realize that most of the time it’s only something to play off of and not a de-protagonization.