Burning Harn?

Heya !

I’m planning to run (when time will magically appear in the schedule) a campaign in the medieval setting of Harn and would like to know if some members have already tried/ran adventures or campaign to have feedbacks. I know some GM/players have because this exists, but proper feedbacks or advices would be a huge boost mp :slight_smile:

Cheers !

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We are just starting our campaign. We are playing the Kaldoric Succession Crisis.

Burning-Hârn is a great resource. With @Crowsworthy’s help, I’ve “converted” most of Hârn’s combat gear to BW. You don’t strictly have to but I wanted to have most of Harnmaster weapons available. You can take a look here if you’re interested: Hârn Equipment - Google Sheets

We play online, on Foundry, so I have created a compendium module with these.

Is there anything specific you’d like to know?


That is AMAZING, thanks ! The Kaldoric Succession Crisis is also the campaign I’d like to run. I tried some sort of a long shot in Kanday but it was my first try at BW and went poorly because I hadn’t operate the proper switch (story led by BITs and not the GM script). Now that I have a bit more experience I would love to see how it hits the table with the jauggernaut of a campaign.
Are you the GM ? Because I would love to chat about campaign prep, the PCs and how the campaign started :slight_smile:

(I am French, so if you happen to speak the language I do have a couple of translated ressources at hand, such as character sheets)

Hey, sorry, I forgot to check back here.

I’m the GM. I’m also French! If you’d like to, we can set up a voice chat. If you use Discord, my handle is mandar, you can send me a friend request there. Otherwise just let me know what you would prefer.

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