Challenging my players


So finally I convinced my gamers to give Mouse Guard a try, and here’s what they came up with:

Bramble, Patrol Leader and grizzled hunter of Wolfpointe (Alert, Cunning, and Determined)
Belief: “We must fight for those who can’t.”
Instincts: “He who hesitates is lost.”

Garrow, Guard Mouse and cold spiderist of Thistledown (Curious Rank II)
Garrow’s Belief: “Commonsense must prevail.”
Garrow’s Instincts: “Measure twice, cut once.”

Paast, Tenderpaw of Appleloft and Bramble’s young and self-centered protégée (Innocent and Natural Bearings)
Belief: “If it’s not about me, I’m not interested.”
Instincts: “Always rise to the challenge.”

I’m keen to hear others advice and ideas on how to give these characters a run for their money!

Thanks in advance,


Bramble, Patrol Leader and grizzled hunter of Wolfpointe (Alert, Cunning, and Determined)
Instincts: “He who hesitates is lost.”
–> have him take a quick decision then face the terrible consequences (due to his haste, he missed something in the situation)

Garrow, Guard Mouse and cold spiderist of Thistledown (Curious Rank II)
Garrow’s Belief: “Commonsense must prevail.”
–> Oh yeah ? threaten things/people he likes, then make him chose between his beloved ones and the community sake. Then make him feel the results

Paast, Tenderpaw of Appleloft and Bramble’s young and self-centered protégée (Innocent and Natural Bearings)
Belief: “If it’s not about me, I’m not interested.”
–> put Bramble in jeopardy then see if his tenderpaw is still not interested.

Instincts: “Always rise to the challenge.”
–> give him something too big for him; or challenge him with something easy but of great value to someone else. See how Paast trashes his opponent and how he reacts when the other one feels miserable at losing. Could be linked to his Belief: now that he has ruined another mouse’s life, does he care or not ?

Bramble, Patrol Leader and grizzled hunter of Wolfpointe (Alert, Cunning, and Determined)
Belief: “We must fight for those who can’t.”
–> Have him encounter down trodden town mice being abused, legally, by those in the towns government structure (Elmoss seems a likely candidate, with their more feudal style government). Does he stay out of town politics as he is suppose to, or interfere, possibly creating problems for the Guard as a whole.
Another option would be to pit enemies vs enemies. Perhaps the patrol is to track down a group of highway bandits that recently moved from simple robbery to assault or possibly murder, only to come upon them being devoured by an animal. Does he help the mice, who can’t defend themselves, or avoid the danger of messing with the animal

Garrow, Guard Mouse and cold spiderist of Thistledown (Curious Rank II)
Garrow’s Instincts: “Measure twice, cut once.”
–> Present an obstacle where speed if of the essence - a ragging river threatens to wash away crucial supplies and innocent mice, and a delay may result in both being washed away