Badmedo’s Burning Sheets via RPG Geek
Check’em out, and give me advice for additions or changes!
Badmedo’s Burning Sheets via RPG Geek
Check’em out, and give me advice for additions or changes!
Well, aside from a few crib notes and page references, it doesn’t offer much that the official sheets don’t have, and isn’t nearly as pretty. Although I can see the attraction of having a large font full-page sheet –– much easier to read and write on.
I don’t understand the box for IMS and DoF of ranged weapons. How is it meant to be used?
Damn, that IMS table was suppose to be brilliant.
Find your Mark (which all other damage is derived from), then roll your Die of Fate finding the row you land on.
Or, just find your Mark if your weapon is melee based.
As you said, much easier to read and write on, which is what I designed for.
Come on man, I blew all my Artha on this
I do kinda dig the spartan layout, but I think an instruction here or there would be useful. You’ve pushed a notch past ‘clean’ into ‘cryptic’.
Like… the advancement chart. I assume the top row means ‘Highest Ob that’s Routine’, while the bottom row is the lowest Ob that’s Challenging… but … Oh! I get it. Tricky. I think 3-4, 4-5, etc. would be a lot easier to understand.
(Incidentally, the Ob is usually a given beyond the player’s control, so a chart that lets you see how many dice you can use and still score a difficult/etc test for a given Ob is really handy for players who are gaming advancement.) If you do keep it this way around, you might put the initial 1,2,3 on the bottom row, rather than the middle row, since that reveals the pattern.
Some things that I wonder about:
[li]What does the § symbol refer to? I think it might mean ‘only advances on success’, but that’s not true for some emotional attributes.[/li][li]Why the arrow between the Steel box and the Hesitation box? Just to show that they’re related?[/li][li]What are the two black triangles on the PTGS section? Is this about rounding up or down? (Since you don’t have the rest of them, I’d leave off this partial info about calculating PTGS.)[/li][/ul]I really like all the page numbers, that’s useful. I’ve actually taken to putting page numbers by my skills and die traits.
@ Fuseboy
“Like… the advancement chart. I assume the top row means ‘Highest Ob that’s Routine’, while the bottom row is the lowest Ob that’s Challenging… but … Oh! I get it. Tricky. I think 3-4, 4-5, etc. would be a lot easier to understand.”
Yeah, after looking at that table enough, I decided that the Difficult Obs were the only ones that mattered, because anything below below was Routine, and anything above it was Challenging.
“What does the § symbol refer to? I think it might mean ‘only advances on success’, but that’s not true for some emotional attributes.”
Yes the § symbol mean, that attribute only advances on successes. Which emotional attribute don’t advance this way? I thought it applied to all of them.
“Why the arrow between the Steel box and the Hesitation box? Just to show that they’re related?”
Yup, just wanted a relation between the two.
“What are the two black triangles on the PTGS section? Is this about rounding up or down? (Since you don’t have the rest of them, I’d leave off this partial info about calculating PTGS.)”
You got it exactly, it’s about rounding up or down. It’s good to see some of my design decisions carried weight.
That the rest is kind of weird because there isn’t any hard-math that goes into their placement. You’re right, I might end up dropping if I can’t figure out a way to implement it.
“I really like all the page numbers, that’s useful. I’ve actually taken to putting page numbers by my skills and die traits.”
Yeah, Luke demands we use this book at-the-table (here is why I own five copies), so I went ahead and built a table-of-contents into the sheets. Made things easier in play.
Faith is like this, I know for sure. Grief and Spite advance without being tested, I think Greed is like that too. They can be tapped with Artha to provide extra dice, but I believe that earns you a test for advancement regardless of the outcome of the roll, and has nothing to do with the current exponent. Then there are exceptions about what tests you need; I think Greed, for example, accumulates Routines even after exponent 5.
Basically, they’re all weird and different.
You might consider using smaller spaces for Artha. It’s very exciting to think that I might epiphany everything, but a small space for tallying is just as good as these space-hungry boxes. In the entire Grunweld campaign (29 3-hour sessions), Siggar has spent 36 Fate and 17 Persona.
Yeah, as far as I can remember only Perception, Faith, & Resources require successes to advance.
Yeah, this one I’m torn over this one:
a. I already made the space for it.
b. it’s quick to tally off and get back into the game (erasing maybe as well).
I might make a separate sheet set that uses the current method and put that up as well.
Oh, and if you have illustrator you can just change the *.PDF extension to *.AI and screw around with what I’ve made.
I would take the labels off the belief lines. The situational, Intraparty and Ethical or Philisophical belief are just suggestions not requirements. There’s also no 4th line for those people who get a 4th belief from a trait
On the attributes although the check boxes for Fate, Persona, and Deeds are nice. To conserve space and perhaps have some extra space for clarifying your requirements for advancement table. I would change them to a box where you can write in how many fate, persona or deeds you’ve spent. Same with the skills sheet and same with the Stats sheet. With the free space perhaps you can incorporate which things take what for advancement. Like faith and most attributes advance as a skill. Speed and Health advance with their stats.
Oh, I didn’t mean any offense! It is obviously designed with a spartan no-frills layout on purpose, so whatever you prefer, right? I prefer a prettier sheet is all, but I’m a total character sheet snob. (I create custom sheets for any game I play in, whereas most of my friends just write their stats down in a notebook. Ha!)
The IMS table I would ditch. I understand what you’re doing there now, but it seems more of a waste of space than a useful tool. Not hard to look up a page reference when you get a new weapon, and most weapons are carried for some time. Thus, much better to have multiple smaller spaces to write on than a big table to ogle at. Not to mention that there’s more room for error if the table was used every time you did damage.
I’m in the process of making a GM screen for Gold. The beta can be downloaded via the link in my signature. The first page has a compilation of all the most important rules exceptions in the game that you might find useful in checking / adding more crib notes. (BTW, with the exception of the Wheel of Magic, I composed the entire project in a word processor. ^^)
What I love about sheeting is that you always come away with a deeper understanding of the rules when you finish. If I could only persuade my players to be so enterprising. A few of them barely understand the rules at all. >.< Maybe they’ll use your sheet!
The labels were for my group, they were constantly having trouble with the concept so I use what the Adventurer Burner Recommended. But yes, I can put out a more generic one.
I’m making a lot of revisions as you guys post.
I will add the 4th line!
Also, I’ve added a layer to the PDF so you can hide the label text and print it without.
Huge revision upcoming.
Ok, made a huge revision Linked Here!
I use Grayscaled Artha (poker chips) in my game. Black for Fate, Gray for Persona, and White for Deeds. Hence the Artha logs are colored in a similar fashion. The progression is obvious, so I didn’t bother labeling them.
I’m still working on Circles & Resources, but it’s going to look similar to what I uploaded. It’s also functional as is.
The Skills sheet got a rework, and is now opened to 20 slots, with a log for learning progression and a spot for page numbers.
BIT’s & Artha got a face lift, and covers what a poster recommended; adding a trait tie-in Belief slot. This one is also layered, so you can turn off my labels in Beliefs and Instincts.
Stats, Attributes, & PGST got the most work done.
Looks great. Comments as they come to me:
Gold got rid of the tracking artha spent on beliefs, IIRC, only abilities accumulate them now. (Though I think it’s still useful.)
Your instinct labels surprise me… I think of instincts as either fate mines (at your own discretion, indulge your dramatic bad habit) or insurance-style (you’re habitually prepared for a certain type of situation, so you get a free retroactive roll when the GM skips past your preparations with fast pacing).
Wait… is this a Revised character sheet? The Circles Obs have changed in Gold.
Love the page # reference on the skill list;I also like combining skills and BL. Should there be somewhere to note root stat/aptitude? For advancement, I’ve taken to pre-crossing out bubbles I don’t need, and I do the same for aptitude (so if I have an aptitude of 4, I cross off 6 of the bubbles). But root stats do advance, which changes aptitude, so it’s handy to note them.
You know, it would be fun to line up the clumsy weight penalties with the pieces of armor that cause them. The full list is:
Head: Perception
Torso: Fatigue, Stealthy, Swimming
Arm: Agility, Throwing & Shooting
Legs: Climbing, Speed
PGST (Filename) -> PTGS
A page number for shields would be really useful (481), shields have different behavior in Fight and RNC.
Anyways, it’s really shaping up.
Rock on! I will fire up the next round of changes!
I believe the Circle information I grabbed directly from the Expanded Long-Term Play Gold Burning Wheel character sheet, but I’ll check the information against the book when I get home.
Good advice on the armor penalties, I’ll see if I can make it work.
I’ll also fix the file name.
Curse my dyslexia (really, my ability to notice messed up acronyms).
It’s a personal problem.
Update: Oh, and I’m designing for the Gold Edition. I noted the Circles mistake and made the correction.
But where do I put my character’s name and description? Surely there is room somewhere?
Oh yeah, well I usually have vanilla folders to put all of this into, so the players just put their character names on that.
I left it out by design.