Charred is in ashes?

It would seem that Charred is down at time of writing this.

It was one of my favorite tools for playing around with which lifepaths were reachable (even as just an outline).

I don’t know anything about its particular brand of sorcery and was wondering if anyone else knew anything about it being down.


I suspect this was being hosted on the Heroku free tier, which was cancelled by Salesforce (the new owner) at the end of November.

If the code is still available, it might be able to be ported to something else or updated.

I think the code is still available though GitHub.

Sadly I know not the sorcery that is Coding to get it up and going.

Looks like a fork (not FoRK) is happening: GitHub - modality/charred-black: The unofficial, online, Burning Wheel Gold character burner –

edit: looks like that version is currently broken, too, but since there are recent commits that may be getting addressed.

That commit was me, not the maintainer

I host a copy for my player base at which has some extensions for our campaign (outputs to our wiki format, which won’t help someone without our template, which we’d be happy to share though)

I think the others are dead, so maybe I’ll put mine somewhere more stable (sorry if it goes down for a few days, it’s on a server under a table in my basement)

Feel free to send me bug reports too, but no promises they will be worked on


You are a Saint friend.

I’ll probably take a look at what it takes to do it myself some day.

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I used this last night, works pretty well. Unfortunately it is down today? I wonder if there is a way to get a more permanent solution (such as a simple html that anyone can download and run locally?). I’m not familiar with how to get the code on github into that state.

Oh, weird, no idea what happened, I’ll move it somewhere where it’ll be more reliable tonight.

As for packaging it up, that’s mostly gonna be a rewrite, or someone who knows Electron.

I don’t know much about it but I’m wondering if even saving the webpage w/ all it’s content (as one can do to any site, usually comes with a lot of stuff beyond just the html) would work once it is compiled and hosted? Or is there an inaccessible database backend that wouldn’t come with that?

So the other person in the process and I have setup a new branch with a few minor improvements, as well as some ongoing work here: - we’ve renamed it Charred Gold since we don’t feel right using the same name as the old maintainer.

We have moved to a new host, which should be more reliable, and I’m working on setting up a watchdog.

Charred is three things

  1. Javascript which runs on your local computer
  2. Ruby which runs on the server
  3. A lot of data about the lifepaths and export formats and things

Getting the javascript saved locally is trivial, but without the ruby it would be worthless. There’s a tool called Electron that could, in theory, make it work - but for the most part, I have no idea how that works. I could probably figure it out - but I don’t have time right now.


Maybe something I’ll look into over my lazy holidays coming up.

Thanks for setting up a new site to use!

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