Converting coin value to packed slots, rule of thumb?

When shuffling loot in coin form around, does there exist a rule of thumb to compare the value or quantity of coins to inventory slots or is it largely dependent on the imagining of coin physicality? Looking at the loot tables in the scholar’s guide didn’t really illuminate a consistent correlation between value/quantity and inventory slots.

Generally I don’t think this usually matters too much… but a situation where maybe not all coins can be brought in a large sack, a player might think to take some in a belt pouch instead. My instinct says 1D value in the 1-slot pouch is fair but if they’re more valuable that might be 2D or more. Assuming the loot table “large sack of coins” is full, I suppose you could divide the value of the 6 slots from the large sack to get the equivalent 1 slot value.

It’s a fiddly, tiresome question, so, my apologies, but I was curious if the rules have something to say about how this should be done.

Copper: 2 Pack per 1D
Silver: 1 Pack per 1D
Gold: 2D per 1 Pack

I don’t think it’s mentioned anywhere explicitly, but that pattern has held for every instance where coins are given a pack value and a dice value that I’ve seen.


That is a good and logical rule of thumb!

Glad I could help!

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Yes, Quincy has it.

FYI the coin inventory is listed on SG p. 159 if you need it


In 1e, those were the main options, but in 2e, the use of belt/pouches was expanded and there are a lot more containers as well. But the general idea is that copper is bulky, silver is better, and gold is best. GMs will joke the best/worst thing you can give adventurers to have them figure out the inventory shuffle is a pile of copper coins because it is so bulky :wink:

LMM p. 242 has the other main containers:


Oh excellent. I did look at the SG table so I don’t know why this “ratio” didn’t pop out to me. Probably because it was so late. Thank you for the source!