Counting the Grind

Here’s a dumb question, and I call it dumb because it’s about how my brain works and not the rules. I just have a block when it comes to this sort of thing.

Which of these are right?

Players describe an action. They make a test. Turn one is done.
Players describe an action. They make a test. Turn two is done.
Players describe an action. They make a test. Turn three is done.
Players describe an action. They make a test. Turn four is done. Characters are given a condition.
Players describe an action. They make a test. Turn five is done…


Players describe an action. They make a test. Turn one is done.
Players describe an action. They make a test. Turn two is done.
Players describe an action. They make a test. Turn three is done.
Characters are given a condition. They describe an action. They make a test. Turn four is done…

A; you don’t mark the turn until you’ve done something to cause it to pass. For instance, you might have a Good Idea after completing Turn 3, or an Instinct test, or something, before you have a chance to grind to the condition. It kicks in after you make a test that consumes a turn.

The same generally applies to light. Just coincidentally, you start feeling hungry / angry / afraid right around the time your torch goes out… :slight_smile:

Thanks. The light source specified “at the end of the turn” or something, so that was ok. I was sure “A” was right, but it’s just the sort of thing that spins my mind in circles for some reasons. (Don’t get me started on turning a wheel to the “right…”)

Now to just get a little clearer on when a test doesn’t count as a test. :wink:

That one seems to be a little dodgier, but only slightly. An instinct gives you one “free” roll, but any consequences of that roll seem to be separate tests. So for example, when our elf’s instinct caused him to scout a room, which triggered a trap (twist!), the scout test was free, but the roll to avoid the trap cost us a turn. Technically, it’s probably possible for a chain of twists to trigger a chain of turns , but that’s the part I’m a little dodgy on.

I’m still not entirely clear on what happens if the GM chooses Twist for an Instinct Test failure in the middle of Camp. If it breaks the Camp, which is probably the answer? I think it might if the GM doesn’t delay the Twist effects until after players break Camp normally, which would be extraordinarily cruel move by the GM (since all remaining Checks would be lost).

Sure, but they do explicitly recommend against doing that (Adventures in Camp, p. 121), so it’s probably an edge case.

Correct. That’s also why you can’t remain fresh after turn 4. There’s no way to stave off that condition. It comes as soon as turn 4 closes (and eating or drinking before it doesn’t count).