Darkest Dungeon II Hack (TB 2e)

Here is a compilation pack I am currently playtesting with my crew based on the Darkest Dungeon II game setting and feel. This hack completely changes the over all experience of the game. It focuses on the Player Characters being Grim Heroes with a dark past, holding the last hope in their hands as they push themselves into a world of Lovecraftian-like horrors trying to find redemption.

Some of the major changes from the TB 2e game are:

New Gamemaster Phases
Exploration and Adventuring phases both has a different feel and design.

Attonement and Darkest Secret
Replacing the belief and creed system. These give the Hero a reason to find redemption.

Stress Meter
As Heroes get conditions, use Afflictions, or attempt to use otherworldly powers stress is increased. Once filled, that heroes is On The Brink, losing their humanity ever new stress they gain beyond their limits (nature damage).

Upgraded Conditions
These heroes are made of sterner stock. There are new upgraded conditions for each, making it harder to simply die by The Grind. However, Kill Conflicts and actions while Injured are all fair game to ending your heroes Journey.

These are passive effects your hero develops to cope with their declining mental health. These have both a positive and negative effect.

Virtues and Afflictions
New traits that can help reduce or increase stress.

Memory and Flashbacks
A new system that lets players recall a memory as they try and piece together their past. This allows the players to add to the story and give ideas for the GM to add in later.

Town Phase Options
The Stagecoach
And So Much More! (142 pages of content)
This is still under playtesting be be sure to check it out if it interests you. Comments and ideas are welcomed.

Look for the Darkest Dungeon II hack here:

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