I’m preparing a campaign set in a penal colony in which the characters are all deported after being branded on their foreheads with hot irons.
I want the situation to feel very inhospitable.
The characters’ main task will be to dig ditches in order to drain the malaria-infested marshes that surround the colony.
How would you rule the presence of Yellow Fever? After reading the Anthology (p.26) I would consider the disease as both debilitating and degrading. Prisoners are quite likely to die from it.
In order to establish if the characters get the Yellow Fever once they arrive at the colony and get bitten by the mosquitos, I was thinking of making an Ob 3 Health test.
Incubation → from 7 to 30 days - based on a dof roll
+2ob penalty on all all tests (except Health)
-6D Health Attribute
-3D Health in the first 24 hours, another -3D the following week
Successful treatment reduces the effects of the symptoms by one, plus margin of success. Malaria cannot be cured, so the symptoms return if treatment stops for more than a day or two.
After 24h from the onset of the symptoms
Healing tests: Apothecary, Herbalism, Midwifery Ob2; Child Rearing Ob3; Bloodletting Ob4.
If the tests fail, characters see additional +1Ob penalties on their Skills/Stats/Attributes and reduce Health by 1D.
If they succeed, the characters recover +1D Health and -1Ob penalty.
After 1 Week - Healing Tests
Healing tests: Apothecary, Herbalism, Midwifery Ob2; Child Rearing Ob3; Bloodletting Ob4.
If the tests fail, characters see additional +1Ob penalties on their Skills/Stats/Attributes and reduce Health by 1D.
If they succeed, the characters recover +1D Health and -1Ob penalty.
[IF NEEDED] After 1,2,4,8 Months - Recursive Healing Tests
Healing tests: Apothecary, Herbalism, Midwifery Ob2; Child Rearing Ob3; Bloodletting Ob4.
If the tests fail, characters see additional +1Ob penalties on their Skills/Stats/Attributes and reduce Health by 1D.
If they succeed, the characters recover +1D Health and -1Ob penalty.
RECOVERY +1D Health and -1 general Ob per week
DEATH - for each Health point below zero, I’ll reduce the Will cap by 1D. If it gets to zero, the character dies.
What do you think? Does it look balanced? I wonder if it would be deadly enough