I’m watching a Mouse Guard campaign called Whiskers&Whiskey on youtube, the GM is Eric Vulgaris, he’s a well known streamer with vast knowledge of roleplaying, he also mentions knowing Luke Crane as they roleplay together often.
During the campaign there are several events or changes to the rules from those set out in the 2nd edition manual.
The first is in regards to learning a new skill. In the book it says: “Once you have attempted to use that skill a number of times equal to your current maximum Nature rating, you open the skill at a rating of 2”… in Eric it says “once you have attempted to use the skill you want to learn a number of times equal or your current Nature rating (not maximun), you learn the skill with a rating of 2, so taxing your current Nature is good to learn skills faster”…
The second is about ties and advancement, in the book it says: “A tie result does not count as advancement. There is no pass or fail, so there is no advancement. If you want to earn a check for advancement for that skill or ability, you must break the tie with a trait or a fate point. If you make a tiebreaker roll, you earn a test for the ability or skill that breaks the tie”… but in the video, once they succeded after a tie breaker rol, the GM is giving to the player one check advancemet to the skill that tied before the tie breaker rol (scout), and then to the the ability that broke the tie (health). It’s that right?
In addition to this, Eric gives her the option of using Nature for the tie breaker roll, when the book clearly explains that for the Scout skill, the tie breaker roll must be made with the Health skill.
Because in the Second Edition book there are quite a few errors that have not been corrected, and they still mix rules from the first edition and the second edition, it has made me hesitate between the rules that are written in the book, or the rules that he applies in his game?
Is Eric making a mistake in applying the rules, or has the book not updated these rules?
Is there any publication of Luke Crane correcting the errors of the 2nd Edition?
The Guard Prevail!!