Etiquette of choosing actions

I’ve run MG three times now, and each time I’ve done it, the players and I would go into different rooms to pick our actions for a conflict. This actually seems to take a lot longer than I would like, and I don’t like being removed from the gaming table: it’s not fun!

I was wondering if I was doing it wrong. Can I just secretly pick my actions first at the table and then put my paper down, letting them chatter away about their best options with me there? I can’t change my actions at that point anyway. Is there anything that would break this way?

Page 97. GM chooses his actions first. Don’t overemphasize “in private.” That just means you don’t discuss them until you reveal them.

So yes, pick your actions, then let the players choose theirs.

Wow, that’s a totally different way of playing!

You can just cover with one hand the Conflict Actions section of the character sheet while you put a check on what actions you select. Or invest in some sort of GM screen. The BEST option, IMHO, is to print out and assemble Scarecrow’s and Indy Pete’s Cards, then you and your players select 3 action cards and put them face down on the table, then you (as the GM, you go first) and the players each “open” each action card in turn. I always like my “toys” and these cards are awesome!

Hope that helps!

The cards are fantastic. It also helps us to remember Conditions since we use a paper clip to hold together the character sheet, condition cards, weapon cards and other loose notes between meetings. There’s a bit less stress on the character sheet this way since we don’t have to change as much on it this way.

Agreed. The cards rock.
So easy. No mess, no fuss, no erasing!

I just say, “Hey guys, hang on a minute while I pick my actions and then you all can talk about your strategy.” Then quickly I mark my three actions and turn over my paper. It always takes me less than a minute to do so–no need for people to go into different rooms or anything.

We put on our poker faces, whisper conspiratorially, write down our actions, and then look up, give the other guy a smile and big wink and say, “You’re forked, baby, you’re going down!”