Because I thought a sub-index world really could work as a BE setting, if you take the proper approach.
(Side note the first: Not exactly a collaborative work, burned together with a play group; did this all on my lonesome. Fling poo my way if this is really such a bad thing. OTOH, I don’t intend to Viking Hat a bunch of players into defending this world Or Else, either - this is just for fun.)
(Side note the second: Somewhat weirdly enough, the Dispositions came out even-steven between the two sides, over the three Phases; each side gets 58 Disposition total. This was mostly by accident. Fiddling with a few of the miscellaneous world settings to minimize the Vaylen disadvantage during Invasion - that 8 Dispo from Core World is tough to overcome - was done on purpose, tho. But I ain’t apologizing for it - deciding that the world strip-mines its Raw Materials, or has huge poisoned/irradiated regions as the manifestation of its Rugged Terrain, wouldn’t have come out without using the Burner to get the creative juices flowing.)