Factoring the Carpenter Skill

I was a bit unsure of how to do this concerning the first Category (Type) of the Carpenter skill factors on pg 137.

Type: household items like bowls boards and building materials; pulleys, ladders and furniture; small structures like a shack, a small house, Heorot

(Option A)
Would you simply count left to right, disregarding the semi-colons which seem to denote sub categories?

Type: household items like (1)bowls, (2)boards and (3)building materials; (4)pulleys, (5)ladders and furniture; small structures like a (6)shack, (7)a small house, (8)Heorot

(Option B) My guess
Or is each sub category, denoted by semi colons, meant to start counting with a higher number:
Household items (start counting at 1)
Pulleys/Ladders (start counting at 2)
Small structures (start counting at 3)

Type: household items like (1)bowls, (2)boards and (3)building materials; (2)pulleys, (3)ladders and furniture; small structures like a (3)shack, (4)a small house, (5)Heorot

Well apparently I posted in the wrong forum sorry. This is meant for Torchbearer RPG.

Factor 1: Bowls, boards, building materials
Factor 2: pulleys, ladders and furniture
Factor 3: Small structures like a shack
Factor 4: A small house
Factor 5: Heorot