
The new section for Feint reads thusly:

“Feint is a special attack designed to defeat defenses. Feint does damage like a Strike. See the Weapons chapter for the damage rules.”

Is this everything? Seems to me it isn’t, since it doesn’t have interactions with several things, leading me the believe that the hesitation bit from Revised still stands.

From Revised:

Tests: Weapon skill
Counters: Block and Counterstrike
Countered by: Strike
Special Requirements: Feint is a special counter countermaneuver. It only works if scripted against a Block or Counterstrike. It is useless against all other maneuvers.
Effects: A properly scripted Feint is devastating. This maneuver draws a defensive opponent out of position and opens him up to attack. If Feint is scripted against Block or Counterstrike, the defender counts as hesitating and the Feinting character may take a free Strike. If scripted against any other maneuver, the Feinter counts as hesitating (except he gets his Natural Defenses). Feint also allows the attacker to declare the target location hit. See the Weapons Mechanics for how that’s done.

The hesitation bit still stands, it just isn’t listed in the Feint rules because hesitating is the default action when one maneuver cancels another (eg. Rebuttal vs. Rebuttal). The interaction grid explanation text should say what you do when a maneuver doesn’t have an interaction with another. I’d give page numbers and the like but I’m at work and my copy of BWG isn’t.

Just got home and was able to look up the page number. Page 440, under the heading “Dash Interactions” spells out what happens in this situation. One other thing, since Natural Defence doesn’t exist any more (per se) you’ll need to look up under the other action (Push, Strike, what-have-you) to find out if the Feinter gets to roll anything. In the case of Push it’s a test with an Ob of 1/2 Speed, in the case of Grab it’s a vs. Strength test and so on.

Do you know where this is in the rules? Sounds like something else I missed.

I believe it’s only explicitly stated in Fight under the change an action rule but if you read the Hesitation section closely you’ll see that Stand and Drool has the same effect as not taking an action. That said, page 440 covers all Fight-based “-” interactions and I’m assuming that there’s a similar heading under Duelof Wits.