Fight Edge Case Questions
Here’s a super long post! >:D
@Gnosego and I tested some of the characters available for the War With Thor event, namely the Duelist, the Elven Bard, the Roden Assassin and the Black Destroyer. First of all, it was loads of fun! Second, I have several questions that it may be useful to hear rulings on.
Rotten Singing Elf
During the fight between my Elven Bard and @Gnosego’s Roden Assassin, naturally, I sought to take advantage of that sweet spell song Wonderment. The following questions came up:
When singing an Elven spell song, when does Wonderment occur? Is it immediate or does it happen later?
If you fail to sing a spell song, can you try again on the next action, assuming you have that song scripted?
After causing Wonderment with one Elven spell song, are characters susceptible to Wonderment from another, different spell song within the same scene?
Do failed Elven spell songs count toward the once per scene restriction for Steel test-causing effects?
Rotten Roden Strangler
The roden won that fight buy getting the bard in a Lock with their garrote:
The description of the garrote in Paths of Spite (Codex 432) and the Garrote skill (Codex 451, 538) seem to imply different things about the weapon’s use, namely (in respective order):
That the garrote may only be used “[having won] positioning at the hands distance” VS “from stealth, surprise (or against a victim already in a lock)”
That the victim’s Forte reduces every volley VS every exchange
Which version is correct on these points?
If the effect is per exchange, when exactly does it occur? Every three volleys, at the beginning or end of each exchange, or something else?
How does the skill’s rule to “test Garrote versus Power or Agility (victim’s choice, but at double obstacle penalty)” interact with Fight? Should it be ignored in favor of the usual Lock rules in a Fight?
Lock, Lock & Strike & Co.
For our second bout, my opponent found their Duelist facing off against the Black Destroyer. It was not pretty. Much discussion about the rules came up:
What happens if you merely meet the obstacle when Increasing the Pressure with a Lock? Do you gain 1D or must you succeed with a margin to gain Lock dice?
Lock & Strike: Is it correct to interpret it as, essentially, a Strike that tacks on Lock dice equal to your margin of success?
Example: When scripting Lock & Strike versus Lock, the L&Ser tests Savage Attack against Ob 1. If they are successful with no margin, they deal damage and gain no Lock. With a greater margin, after spending extra successes, they also gain Lock dice equal to the remaining marging. Their opponent tests their Locking skill against half Power Ob and gains a Lock per the usual rules.
If the above interpretation is incorrect, do you, among any other points:
Gain a 1D Lock even with no margin of success?
Compare the result to the obstacles for the Lock action?
Test Savage Attack versus the opponent’s Locking skill?
Can you increase the pressure by taking the Lock & Strike action or does this count as releasing and starting another Lock?
Do Aggressive Stance dice contribute to Lock & Strike?
- Bonus Question: Do Aggressive Stance dice contribute to Block & Strike in any way?
A Spiky Woof
The Black Destroyer stat block in BWGR notes that the wolf deals damage on a successful Charge. This is an older rule that can be found in the Monster Burner for spiked and studded armor, but not found in the Codex.
How would you recommend playing with this character?
With spiked and studded armor in general?
Open-ended Call-ons
When you use a call-on for an open-ended check, which of the following is correct:
Roll only the failed dice in the pool at the time of calling on the trait
Roll any and all failed dice in the pool once, even those added later on
I suspect it is the latter, but this seems… overwhelmingly good.