I made a mistake on the last exchange. Even though Khazar wasn’t totally taken out until ralled, he still should of hesitated for one action due to still missing his hestitation. Doesn’t change how the volley would’ve played out so I’m going to continue as planned, props to Thor and Coffeestain for pointing it out.
First Volley:
IRON: Suppresive Fire! (Tactics+Sensor Sweep+Integral Targetting)
TANK: Suppresive Fire! (Tactics+VWW)
IRON gets 4 succeses
TANK gets 1 succes
Miablo can’t do anything with the 1 success.
Khazar spends 1 success to give Miablo a steel test, and 2 successes to reduce Miablo’s cover to 2.
Miablo misses his Steel test by 1 and hesitates for the next action.
Khazar, still dusted with the fragments of his former cover, saw time to repay the favor to Miablo - and did so in kind, blasting a hole through his opponent’s terrain to expose the Tank’s hull, and causing Miablo to stumble his orders as he scrambles to regain protection.
Second Volley:
IRON: Suppresive Fire! (Tactics+Intergal Targetting)
TANK: Hesitates!
IRON gets 3 succeses
Khazar is able to drop Miablo’s cover again, to 1.
Miablo forgets engaging the enemy and instead is scurrying for what sheilding is left on his side, just as another blast of the Khazar’s fusor rips through his new defense.
Third Volley:
IRON: Flank! (Tactics + Anvil-wise)
TANK: Was Direct Fire, as observation was aborted, Hesitates instead.
IRON gets 3 succeses.
Khazar uses his extra succeses to get +1 dice to his next Fire action directly, and attempt another sensor sweep(Which succeeds, granting another +1) The reason he chose to go for the sensor sweep rather than the bonus directly is that he may not be able to follow up immediately with a Direct fire option, as the ammo check is going to be hard.
But by Flanking, he has lost the single cover die and 3 points of Disposistion he gained from holding the posistion. Whether it pays off will be dependant on how big a bloodbath is coming up.
Khazar sensed the confusion in his enemy. He decided that this was the time to press for the kill - His men swarmed out into the snow, moving to either side of their opponent, ready to lay down fire.
They both miss their ammo checks. Khazar, rightly so, but Miablo just rolled horribly. because both of their weapons have the Heater trait, this means they both take an H5 wound from the searing heat of their weapon - Which isn’t enough to phaze either of them.
First Volley:
IRON: Flank! (Tactics + Anvil-wise)(While reloading)
TANK: Withdraw! (Tactics + Command + Pilot help)
IRON gets: 4 successes
TANK gets: 4 successes
Tie breaker:One of Khazar’s troops(Infl 5) vs. the tank’s speed(3)… Normally, using Speed would impose a double obstacle penalty, but the tank waives that roll as it has one speed catagory higher than its opposistion. The tie-breaker is also a tie - Neither causes any effect.
Miablo’s gambit does cost him the 2 Disposistion and 1 cover die by losing his posistion, however.
As Khazar took a moment to let his guns cool down, their time to rip apart the enemies of the empire close at hand, he attempted to seize an even greater tactical vantage point - An attempt striffled Miablo’s willingness to abandon his cover, and the Tank’s capability to outrun his men.
Second Volley:
IRON: Direct Fire! (Tactics + Command + Sensor + Intergal Targetting)
TANK: Advance! (Command + help from driver)
IRON gets 1 success
TANK gets 2 successes
Miablo was hoping for 3 succeses, allowing him to lower Khazar’s Dispostion, but was not so lucky. Khazar totally whiffs, with 7 worms and 1 success.
Khazar led his men to press fire on the retreating troops, assuming their destruction to be imminent - what he didn’t expect was Miablo’s Tank charging straight for him, with his troops screaming a warcry as they charged Khazar’s own.
Third Volley:
IRON: Direct Fire! (Tactics + Command + Targetting)
TANK: Close Combat! (Tactics + Command)
IRON gets 2 successes
TANK gets 3 successes
Miablo gets his close combat action causes Khazar to lose one dispostion, dropping to a 6. Khazar still fails to gain any shot oppurtunity.
Khazar watched as his Fusor shots narrowly avoided contact with the tank, which was moving far too aggressively for his concentration to remain in tact. As the it became close enough to see his hated enemy’s insignia on the Tank’s side, he knew this was not going to be the sort of battle he hoped for.
I Corner Him and Stab Him in the Face! (Or, I Corner Him and Run Him Through Tank Treads)
TANK: Ramming! (Driving)
IRON: Grenades! (Close Combat)
TANK gets 1 success
IRON gets 1 success
Tie breaker(Agility): IRON wins with 1 additionial success, increasing his DoF by 1
DoF roll: 2, counted as 3, which is still the same thing, V4 damage, which is enough for a breach, causing the Tank to lose 1 die of Integrity, lowering it to 5 and reducing its speed to 2.
As the tank treads span towards Khazar aiming to take his armor-encased body under them, the anvil lord grits his teeth, throwing a SCArE grenade from his hip out to the menacing machine and diving into the snow. For a moment he wondered if the deafening noise heard above him was death. When he opened his eyes, he saw the smoke of the explosive seething from Miablo’s tank, revealed a crunched in sector of the hardened surface.
Ammo check:
IRON: 4 succeses (passed)
TANK: 4 Succeses (passed)
Next up, fourth exchange.
NOTE: I had to imporvise exactly how Vehicle vs. personal close combat action worked, but its a pretty reasonable assumption: Grenades are versus everything 'xcept Grenades.