First character built for ‘The Burning Wheel’ and I went for a rather derivative ‘elven prince’ (if not a bit darker then is usual), looking for opinions on ‘Beliefs & Instincts’. I am new to this system and am rather excited about it. In this edited version of the character I am going to play, I felt with the falcon issue as best I could (via a relationship) and kept only one major relationship (a wife with a hobby for elven “crafts”, who I will post in a response)…
Name: Cú Morrígan
Concept/Bio: A young elven prince tasked by his infamous warlord mother to guard the mortal world from all things mythic.
Lifepaths: Born Etharch, Lead to Citadel, Soldier-Protector, Lead to Protector, Sword Singer, Lead to Etharch, Prince
Age : 213
Stats: Wi: B5, Pe: B5, Po: B5, Fo: B5, Ag: B5, Sp: B5, Stride: 8
Attributes: Ref: B5, Ste: G4, Hes: 5, Hea: B8, MW: B11, Grief: B2, Circles: B3, Resources: B1
PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B6 Mi: B8 Se: B9 Tr: B10 Mo: B11
All things are equal under the stars
Honor does the dead no favors
Protect the mortal world from the mythic
Assume leadership through initiative
Make light of dark times
Strike from advantage and confirm your kills
Traits: [Char] Born Under the Silver Stars, [Dt] Essence of the Earth, [Dt] Etharchal, [Char] Fair and Statuesque, [Char] Fea, [Dt] First Born, [Dt] Grief, [Dt] Keen Sight, [Dt] Prince of the Blood, [Dt] Sword of the White Towers
Skills: Alarm B2, Armor Training, Bow B4, Brawling B2, Elven Script B2, Etiquette B2, Falconry B2, Fletcher B2, Knives B2, Lament of Stars B2, Mending B2, Mounted Combat: Bowman Training, Musical Instrument B2, Poisons B2, Shield Training, Sing B2, Song of Lordship B2, Song of the Sword B3, Strain of Far Sight B2, Sword B4, Voice of Ages B2
Affiliations: 1D Swords of the White Towers
Reputations: 1D Wandering elven folk hero
Relationships: Lady Káta - Armorer, Quartermaster & Wife (Significant, immediate family, romantic love), Trained Falcon ‘Gheimhridh’ (Minor)
Gear: Elven Boots, Clothes & Traveling Gear, Elven Light Mail, Elven Steed ‘Epona’, Well-aged Elven Crwth
Property: Land Tract: hill-barrow overlooking river
Weapons: Elven Bow w/Bodkin Arrows, Elven Falcata (inwardly curved longsword)