Finally played our first session. DM (me) +5 players, all experienced gamers, no rules lawyers and good role players. I set the room up with actual lanterns, candles, etc and mood music so after character creation, which took about 70 minutes, we began the adventure by our lantern light for ambiance. The entire session took five hours and the players all died on the final fight.
Random thoughts and questions:
When a player loses all Disposition assigned to them, I gave them the Injured condition but not sure if that was right. It made sense at the time.
It’s a very “mentally intensive” game. You really have to be invested and use a lot of thought. It worked out extremely well and we were having a blast role playing, earning checks, etc but as the night dragged on I could tell we had “spent” our creativity before the session was over. This makes me concerned for the long-term game. After everyone gets off work could we play this game for 4 hours every week? Probably not.
I did a lot of winging it as people would use traits, Wises, skills, etc all interchangeably and I’m sure in some cases “incorrectly.” A lot of bad rolls meant a lot of twists or conditions. Maybe I’m so used to telling people to “roll dice” when they ask for something but TB might be setup so the players should have more auto-successes and therefore not so many conditions/twists.
Overall we had a lot of fun - probably the most fun single session we have had in a while, but the group seemed to agree they wouldn’t want to play a long-term campaign and I was relieved because the thought of the time I would have to invest to prepare it. However, I imagine if I got to PLAY the game with an experienced TB DM then this game would be epic. I have up being a player (I just DM) years ago out of boredom but I would definitely love to play the game.