Fra Mauro
Fra Mauro’s goals are still lofty. Let’s see how long that lasts. This is a take on .
Nature: Human (Thoughtful, Demanding, Running) 3
Age: 20
Class: Cleric, Disciple
Home: Religious Bastion
Alignment: Law
Belief: The darkness needs to be pushed back, with the Lords at my back I will map and thus pave the way.
Instict: Always map before leaving a place
Goal: TBD
Raiment: Mottled robes over leather armor, cinched with simple thing string to be less billowy and more practical. A simple wooden cross on a necklace around his neck. A wine skin with holy water on his simple rope belt. A round wooden shield, with the four holy symbols of the order on 4 metal leaves (think something like
Health: 3
Will: 5
Ritualist 4
Theologian 3
Scholar 2
Fighter 2
Healer 2
Pathfinder 3
Cartographer (underlined) 3
Persuader 2
Wise: Terrain-wise (Geography-wise?)
Touched by the Gods 1, Defender 2
Spells: Fury of the Lords of Life and Death
Circles: 4
Friend: Emiliano, the Scholar
Parents: The abbott and abbess, Theologians (forbidden, he was laid as a foundling by them at the monastery, I am not sure if he knows this yet)
Mentor: Niccolo da Conti, explorer and Cartographer
Weapons: Heavy walking staff (treat as mace) Hand/Carried 1
Armor: Leather armor and shield
Other gear: TBD, but the usual adventuring stuff + of course holy symbol and holy water