GM Seeking Players

Alright folks. I’ve never GMd BW before, but there’s no time like the present. I’d like to get a weekly game going and am in need of players.


  1. Frequency: Wednesdays @ 5:30PM Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7) via Discord call and Roll20. I’m thinking of starting with just a handful of 2-4 hour sessions (with regular breaks) to determine if the group meshes well.

  2. (Pre) Session 0: I’ll start a private group chat with all the interested parties and we’ll brainstorm some ideas for the situation/characters. If we get enough things sorted out via chat, we’ll likely be able to start play the first time we meet.

  3. Game Mechanics: Until I’ve got a good grasp on the Hub & Spokes, I don’t intend on bringing in some of the more advanced systems to start. But my goal is to get experienced enough to run engaging Fights, DoWs, R&Cs, and even the newer Warfare or Factions!

  4. I’m an LGBTQIA+ ally, so inclusivity will be high on my GM agenda. Safety tools and check-ins will be part of the norm.

  5. I have social anxiety at times, but it shouldn’t interfere with the game :crossed_fingers:

  6. Newbies to Burning Wheel are welcome!

DM me if you’re interested!

I already have 3 interested players and have room for 1 more. The 3 situations I’ve pitched so far are

1. Dinner for Peace :meat_on_bone:
You serve the estate of megalomaniac Count Le Mort. An important apology feast with the furious Elven neighbors is tomorrow.

2. Innovation Intervention :bomb:
Someone in the Kingdom has figured out how to make a working cannon. Under no circumstances will the Sodality for Abiding Peace allow this technology to spread.

3. Internal Revenue Squad :moneybag:
War is brewing amongst the dukes and it’s your job to collect taxes in the towns where the armies will likely clash. (Taken from Judd Karlman)

UPDATE: Unfortunately my spots are all filled up! If all goes well and I get better at running BW, my hope is to start running demos for newbies. I’ll keep you all posted!


If I weren’t already full up on games, I would join in a heartbeat! Your pitches sound so fun!


Nice! If I had better spoken English, I would join without hesitation!


Hablas español? Yo necesito practicar mas. Tal vez podamos practicar inglés y español juntos en un sesión de Burning Wheel.


Si! El español es mi lengua nativa, leo y entiendo bien el inglés pero no me animo a hablar. Si querés podemos coordinar para jugar juntos y practicar ambos idiomas!


Bueno. Cuándo tienes disponibilidad? Generalmente yo tengo tiempo los jueves en la tarde; 5:30PM PDT

Te escribo por privado!

ooooaaahh. I was just thinking i needed this. I’ve never played BW before and I live in Norway (that rules me out as a potential candidate i guess… seems im 9 hours ahead of pacific daytime).

Hello. If you’re looking for a group, I and a couple of others are trying to put something together. we all live in Norway, so the time zone should not be a problem, also it happens online, so it does not matter where you live in the country. Send me a message if you might be interested. Hope to hear from you.

This is not an attempt to hijack the original thread, just an attempt to help out fellow players looking for group. Sorry if this is bad etiquette.

Ps: Things are not completely clarified yet, so start time and such is a bit unclear at the moment. But we hope to be up and running in a month’s time.

Pps: Norsk er selvfølgelig helt ok, jeg bare vet ikke om det er innenfor høflighets-reglene å poste på Norsk.

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I think you’re good!

Welcome to the forums!

Sweet! Sent you a PM

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Much appreciated! :slight_smile:

I’m down. Is it too late to join?

Prolly, huh?

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