So the artistry behind “Falcon Skin” is that it transforms the casters into a falcon, the fact that his clothes and gear do not make the transformation is secondary where as the way I have written “Godiva!” the transformation of enemies is more of the Task to solve the Intent of disarming, disrobing, and embarrassing them.
Instead it should be written to forcibly remove (Control) items and apparel (Earth) from those within the casters personal (Origin) Presence (Area of Effect) instantly (Duration), regardless of what it is, and without any normal defense against the spell (Majoris)?
That would make it
3rd. Distillation: Ob 4^, 8 actions
Minoris: Ob 6^, 80 actions
1st. Compression: Ob 5^, 40 actions
2nd. Compression: Ob 6^, 20 actions
3rd. Compression: Ob 7^, 10 actions
4th. Compression: Ob 8^, 5 actions
Spell Cap: Ob 7, 5 actions
Finalized Spell: Ob 7, 5 actions
(The original abstraction of this version of the spell was Ob 11^, 21 actions)
Capping and Finalising it after the 2nd. Compression wouldn’t be so bad as it still keeps it within a reasonable (RaC/DoW) time frame.
Godiva!! Ob 5, 20 Actions
This spell causes the casters enemies to be immediately stripped of all items, clothing, and gear which lay scattered on the ground around them.
Weapon Length: as Spear
Range: as Pistol
Origin: Personal
Area of Effect: Presence
Element: Earth
Impetus: Control
Duration: Instantaneous
Resource Points: 10
I still prefer the first version as the imagery of a group of people suddenly vanishing and reappearing completely naked with all of their stuff laying around them is better than everything just being yanked away.
Although, it probably needs a Majoris Sigil and origin changed to Personal perhaps with an added Minoris: No affect on Forte 6 or higher.
That would make it an Ob 5, 20 actions spell that instantly causes those affected to monetarily vanish, only to reappear completely naked with all their things scattered around about them.
This is a lot better (in my opinion) as it is a BIG magic effect that is bound to cause some Steel Tests with lots of funny reactions (brings a whole new outlook to “Stand and Drool”) and if anyone has the “Luis Wu” Dt., so much the better!
What do you think?