Group Motif Collection

first of all: If this is the wrong category, please move it to the appropriate one, I just figured this thread would be a great addition to any characters and lifepaths.

I would like to know what the Motifs were you used for your games so far. I believe that a collection of working Motifs helps new and veteran players alike to come up with more robust and playable Motifs themselves.

So, feel free to share your group’s Motifs!

In my last group the filous and the factotum were employees of the soldat, who recently inherited his father’s busines. Completely unfit to lead his state, the group decided to support their new boss with the Motif: "We won’t let the Beaulieu name fall in disgrace."

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Do you found it sufficient to hold the group together or would you say that it is in danger to break under the wear and tear of politics and religion?

Our motif was also about friendship. Remembering our fallen friend, Anton, and ensuring none of us come to despair

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