Hey all, I’ve been lurking here for a while and unfortunately timed my attempted registration with some forum mailserver problems. Anyways, this coming monday I’m going to try to pimp BE to my group (2 players and myself - we normally have 3 but he’ll be in CO shooting elk) and maybe jump into world burning. I’d like your opinions on my current tactic:
I’ve already mentioned the game, and they seem interested in the world burning idea, so:
Step 1: World Burner! I ran through this with my brother and it worked well even with just two of us. It makes me sad that our little test planet won’t actually get gamed because it’s not the group’s planet.
Step 2 deviates from the norm here. My group is coming off a real rules-lite homebrew system, and I am afraid I’m going to lose them in the sea of lifepaths and skills and traits, moreso because of my noobitude in explaining things than their ability to grasp the process. I don’t want to unsell them because I’m not explaining things correctly, so:
Step 2: Paint the FoN in broad strokes, and then I’ll handle the fiddly parts of burning them between sessions when I do my GM FoN. I’d leave Beliefs and Instincts to my players.
Of course, it could turn out that they are cool with the fiddly bits and patient with my fumbling, in which case we shall rock the fuck on.
Step 3: Look at the FoN (we’ll likely do two FoN per side rather than 3) and decide which Phase suits us best. We’ve got 2-3 sessions before my brother gets back from Colorado, so it should be enough time to figure out if we want to keep going.
My last issue is really more of a pacing issue. Tell me if I’ve got this right:
WRONG Intent? A Cult Leader FoN wants to find someone in the mercenary company (junta faction) he can bribe and thus start getting weapons for his cultists and maybe even get his cultists infiltrated into the junta. You gotta think of the END result, right? Not the first step.
RIGHT Intent? The Cult Leader wants to get weapons for his cultists, so he … does what? Is that a Circles/Bribe-wise test to find a quartermaster down on his luck and susceptible to bribery? Or is it a Bureaucracy/Bribe-wise to actually do the bribing? Or does one lead to the other in a single building scene? Do you NEED both tests? If the Circles test is successful, then the quartermaster is automatically cool with the bribery and will supply weaponry? And if you fail, then he’s not cool with it and calls down the thunder/sells you out while giving you crap equipment?
As far as the “infiltrate cultists into junta”, I guess that’s a means to and end - simply color for a Take Action manuever to activate the Junta, right?
It seems to me that most non-Conflict scenes flow fast and are relatively small-scale compared to the Phase as a whole - even the maneuvers are best thought of as baby steps on your way to planetary liberation/dominance, right?
Thanks for bearing with me!