Helping with Nature and Beginner’s Luck in Conflicts

Gah, I’m a bonehead. If you use the check, then yes. What I was trying to ask but botched the question was:

When helping, the helper does or does not record a pass/fail for a test?

So it clearly states in the rules that if you use a check in camp you can record a pass/fail. But then in the text it states that if you help you reap all the rewards. Some of the players feel the pass/fail is a reward.

Edit: fix another bonehead mistake.

Reap What You Sow (page 66) doesn’t say that you reap all of the rewards. It says

Everyone who donates a die of help for a test is bound by
the results of the roll. If the test is successful, everyone who
participated shares in the result. If the test is failed, all the
characters share a similar fate. If there’s a twist, the whole
group suffers.

But the text on Help Checks (Page 23) is very clear:

You can spend a check when you help another character.
Mark off the check as you hand them the helping die. Doing
so allows you to log a test for advancement for that roll. If
your friend passes the test, you take a pass result. If your
friend fails, you take a failed result.

Perfect, thanks!

I don’t know if this was already clear, but also note that you don’t have to be in camp to use a check in that way. They are two completely distinct uses for checks, to take an action in camp or to mark the pass/fail for a skill you used to help on any one test.

Which is somewhat counterintuitive and we keep forgetting in my group, but can be done.

Are there any other instances when you can spend a check outside camp besides this one?

Stay cool :cool:

When entering Town. See p. 23 “Spending Checks”


Stay cool :cool: