How to survive Severe wound caused by bludgeon?

Hello. I am running a game, and a NPC that is the relationship of one my players suffered a severe wound caused by a warhammer hit to her leg. Now I’m looking into treatment, and things look dire.

Using the Anthology injury rules, that is an Ob 6 (base 3 + 3 for bludgeon) Surgery test for treatment. That is very hard. The surgeon had Surgery B6, plus fork from Anatomy and Bloodletting, plus 1D from Help and another 1D from working carefully, for a total of 10D. Even being this unresonably skilled and with all those advantages, that’s still only 38% chance of success vs. Ob 6… as expected, the surgeron failed with 2 margin of failure.

This means the wound imediately deteriorates to Traumatic and causes infection. Since bludgeon damage deteriorates twice, this will inevitably deteriorate to MW before recovery can even be tested. Is there anything that can be done at this point, or is severe wound intended to be this mortal?

Also, just to add, even if the surgeon succeeded on the treatment test, a severe bludgeon wound still deteriorates twice to MW, so the surgeon would actually need 7 successes to save someone with such a wound (with a 17% chance of success). This seems pratically mortal for what is the mark hit of most strikes (B8).

Actually, this above is wrong. Wounds stop deteriorating on a success. Still, a 38% chance of saving someone hit by a mark strike if you are extremely skilled on surgery. Also, B8 damage isn’t that hard to come by, even a standard skilled fighter with B4 skill and B4 Power with a warhammer has a good chance of scoring that hit over the course of a fight.

Just to be clear, my point here isn’t the difficulty of the test. It was also hard for everything but Surgery on Gold. My question is, now that treatment has failed, what can be done to save this person?

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So the practical question - root for every advantage you can, and get someone else to do the treatment. I have circled many a doctor (and paid persona for a lucky Ship’s doctor) just to get a second chance at recovery. We once spent an entire session to get advantages (foraging, faith, circles, and so on and so forth) to make sure no one died from a poison dart.

On the “how does Burning Wheel handle this” note: Say Yes to recovery.

We had a discussion on Discord about it here: Discord. It involved amputation to reduce the treatment ob, let it ride not applying for treatment when the wound gets worse, and more.

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