My issue was that say my Lord-Pilot is in a FF… With:
Physical Tolerances: Superficial H3, Injured H5, Maimed H8, Mortal H10
(From the PDF, Text copy is NICE!, Thanks Luke!)
and is whering AT4 Iron so:
Armored Tolerances: Superficial H7, Injured H9, Maimed H12, Mortal H14
But Healment Up Tolerances of:
Armored (HU) Tolerances: Superficial H6, Injured H8, Maimed H11, Mortal H13
Now my LP takes a hit (during a DF manuver) of 8… (full armor) that is just a Sup… nothign to worry about… but later (just after the FF) I take off my armor do I need to mark this differently, make a notation…? Even worse if I need, and I take my helmet off during the FF (or I get a Devastator Hit!) I now have an Old Armor Tolerance, a Devestated Armor Tolerance, and an unarmored tolerance!! It just gets more and more ridiculious… and while it is unlikely to come up all the time, it has got to come up some times… I guess you could mark the Wounds seperately… If I take a Sup, I would Write SUP x 1 on my sheet, then if I got Injured twice! i could write INJx2 on the sheet, but it is not set up that way…
Personally it seems that subtracting 4 each time I get hit, and that mark being True regardless of Armored status is more simplistic… a little more math is not a big deal compared to confusion of what wound you had marked last week.
mmm… I do apologize that turned into a rant… I pray that you remeber I do it out of “love of the game” this is one tight system, you kept telling us how the skills and FF and everything tied into the Infection mechcanics, I didn’t believe you till I read it.