Nick-named for what he is not, Humble Jack is a back alley thug. A cheap blade for hire. There is no escaping the fact that he is out in the wilds because he is no longer welcome in Lagaas. Until the heat dies down or he can afford to buy off the authorities, Humble Jack has to take his chances out beyond the walls.
Humble Jack
Age: 18
Stock: Human
Class: Warrior
Home: Lagaas (Bustling Metro)
Raiment: Rough cloth, underneath tattered piecemeal leather armor.
Level 1
Alignment: Chaos
Belief: I live for today, for tomorrow I die.
Instinct: Always get mine first. Dinner, treasure, women.
Goal: -
Will: 2
Health: 5
Nature: Human 5
Circles: 4
Resources: 0
Parents: Orphan
Mentor: Pad, Criminal
Friend: Steward John
Enemy: Jannis, the Cleric, overseer of the orphanage
Commander 2
*Criminal 4
Fighter 4
Haggler 2
Mentor 2
Manipulator 2
Rider 2
Skulduggery-wise (or if that is too broad, Back Alley-wise)
Heart of Battle 1
Jaded 1
Head - Helmet
Neck - Ornate Soldier’s tags (1D)
Hands - Carried - Lantern
- Cloak
- Leather Armor
- Satchel
– Large Sack
– Tinder Box
– Fresh Rations
Belt - Pouch - Thieves Tools
- Weapon - Sword
- Wineskin