I’m currently playing Grint, an older patrol guard, (48,) who is a loner. He’s a trapper/hunter/scout/guide that lives on his own most of the time, coming in when summoned to do missions for the Guard. He’s an skilled archer but only proficient with the sword. He has no interest in the politics of the Guard and thus does not wish to promote higher than his current rank of Patrol Guard. (He is, however, currently the leader of the group since our Patrol Leader was killed by a hawk.)
Grint’s current belief and instinct fit his character, but I have trouble fitting them into the game except under infrequent circumstances. I’d like to keep the themes of the belief and instinct, but re-imagine them so that they are more playable.
Grint’s Belief: Never fight what you can trap.
I’m told that this sounds more like an instinct, but, ideally, it would apply to more than just fighting. For example, instead of arguing with someone, he would manipulate them into aggreeing with him. However, with a few exceptions, the opportunity to set traps ahead of time are hard to come by. So, I would like to reword the belief, keeping the same gist, but broadening the scope.
Grint’s Instinct: [i]Always use the environment to your advantage.[i]
I believe the trouble with this instinct is more in my playing style than in the instinct itself. I’m used to D&D, which tells you in detail what your options are. MG is much more open to improvisation. During conflicts, I need to make myself use the environment, not wait for opportunities to be presented to me. However, my problem with this instinct is that it is nearly useless in some conflicts, such as arguments. How do I use the environment to my advantage during an argument?
My GM mentioned tonight that Grint may need to realize that his Belief is more appropriate to living on his own in the wilderness than as part of a patrol. My thought is that I might combine the two into a single Instinct and come up with a new, appropriate Belief. I just started thinking on this, but any input by you guys would be greatly appreciated.