Iron Empires Glossary

Hey, has anyone put together a lexicon of terms in the Iron Empires (Archcotare, Cotar-Fomas, Ravilar, Stentor, etc)? If not, it strikes me as a very valuable tool for helping players who are new to the genre get into the swing of things. We could make it a forum project! If it’s already been done, I’d be ever so grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.

Hi Scaramouche, and welcome! Are you a Sabatini fan? :cool:

I don’t think anything like this has been attempted to date.

I like to think that I was born with a gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad. Yes, indeed, I am a Sabatini fan.

As to the dictionary, it’s too bad that there isn’t one. I suppose it’s time to get started making one!

Oops, I just found this:

Looks like the work has been done. Rejoice!

Yes, Anemone is on the ball!