Jaeger Grav Bikes

Just remember - if you don’t have the Kaneda-style windscreen, or something similar, Steve McQueen will stretch a wire across the road and take your bike away from you!

I just realized I hadn’t mentioned the true level of awesome of those bikes! And it really IS odd that we ended up designing each other’s concepts. Bit weird. Freaky, even. Nice to know we’re listening to each other though!

Thanks, Mike, both for your compliments and your contribution.

And a shout of praise for Luke Crane: You and I were wobbling around debating this in the abstract, unable to come to any conclusion, in classic Internet fashion, until he said, “shut up and burn.” And we did, and (again thanks to Luke) the rules made all the fuzzy Internet talk solidify into a few elegant, concrete sentences and statistics.

Now on the wiki: Broomstick Bike and Bullet Bike.

EDITED 25 NOVEMBER TO ADD: I changed the Bullet Bike’s stats slightly on the wiki, using Thor’s Technological Stat: Forte = Vehicular Integrity hack to drop Integrity by one – because it really shouldn’t be as robust as a full-sized Grav Sled – and then using the points to up speed.

So Chris gave me an awesome idea. I love how the Iron are deployed in the books. Although Jump packs could be cool, what would be even more awesome would be Iron as artillery! Maybe disposable sheaths designed for rapid deployment to foward observed positions. Crazy damage coming in and when the smoke clears the Iron deploy!

So with your ideas on how hard it is to fire from the bikes how is this a “hit” and run vehicle?

Didn’t anyone see Avent Cildren?! That bike scene rocked!

Do you mean shooting the Iron in a missile? Yeah, that’s pretty upsetting.

And +1 Ob to weapons fire isn’t that bad. There are weapons that have that as a trait! (E.g. “unwieldy”).