Alright, let’s say I have a group of 4 players, traveling with 4 other NPC mice. All of them are mice of The Guard. They are beset by a coyote, a larger animal that they cannot kill, but can potentially drive away (which they choose as their Goal). How would I best handle this conflict? Do I throw them all in large group and let the players handle the conflict actions with help from the others? Do I split the mice into two groups that simultaneously attack the coyote, splitting the players among the two groups so they are the ones choosing the actions? If it is the later, and the two groups of mice each choose an action, and I, the GM choose an action as the coyote, how do those actions resolve? Does the coyote get essentially act twice, interacting with each mouse team action, or does it get to only act against one team at a time?
Players take all the turns with +4D to each action the others can help with.
The rules indicate only two individuals may help the active player during a players action so having a large party will not help in that respect. It will only help in determining disposition.
I like to run two simultaneous conflicts.
With the coyote getting one or two actions? Does the coyote get to act against both groups of mice?
Oh, as the game master, you need to up the danger level. The coyote isn’t enough. There would have to be an environmental hazard or another animal or weasels that the other group contends with.
Against the solo coyote, a group of four still works. Three players take actions each round. For the fourth, make sure they are featured for help during the other actions so they don’t sit idle.
Right, sure, but I am specifically asking how to resolve a 3 party combat, where there are two groups on the player side, and one group on the GM side.
Also, the mice cannot actually even truly injure this coyote in a fight conflict. The best they can do is drive it away. The coyote can eat the mice up.
So about my question, am I correct in thinking that one large group of mice (8) could act as one group, all would add to the disposition, but only two could help during any given action and that the eight mice could be broken up into two groups of four, each with a smaller disposition, but both could act against the coyote, while the coyote could only act against one of the group’s actions?
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