Larry MacDougal's Gwelf

So, this month, Larry is starting his kickstarter for Gwelf: in his own words…

Gwelf is a world I am designing. It is not a story it is a travelogue. It will be an art book - kickstarter. It’s The Wind in the Willows via The Walking Dead and LOTR. It is going to be a lot of fun. Updates here.

Larry’s Twitter

I’m super keen to see how this develops, as I think MG would be a perfect platform to RPG off this fantastic setting and implied situations.


What makes you excited about it?

I guess the artwork is rather evocative for me. Without any real text per se (at the moment - apparently the artbook will have quite a lot of information), the imagery gives me that muted feeling of impending doom. A tension at the edges that seems to only be kept in check by the characters.

I like the idea of having variable natures for the PCs (like in Torchbearer), whilst the core premise appears to be reluctant woodland critters on patrol, protecting their lands, secret meetings in shadowy pubs, stealthy missions behind the raven witches’ talons. That sort of thing. Very Mouseguardy. I think the Town mechanics from Torchbearer would work rather well here too - replacing the loot reward cycle with something less fiscal… Hope perhaps? Maybe the penultimate doom in largely inevitable (Like in Burning Empires) and the PCs lot is to simply stem the tide as long as they can.

At any rate Its the situations and characters alluded to in the imagery that grabs me, I can’t wait to get the artbook and see if a hack is a potential thing.


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