Le vendredi group

We wrapped up the Illumination of Monsieur Faucher last Friday in swindles and cons.

The group decided to deliver the necromancer to la Madame de Chevreuse at the Port St. Michel.
After interrogating M. Faucher, Chandler picked the skull off the necromancer’s satchel.
The group boarded Mme Chevreuse’s carriage, with our two filous forging a pass signed by the Provost of Paris to exit through the city gates.
They traveled to an inn in the outskirts of Paris. Chandler swindles M. Faucher to sign off his property in exchange for Andreas Vesalius skull (little did he knew that the necromancer had no home and was way behind his rent!).
Once inside they settled their payment with the noblewoman, earning the promise of future work after a satisfying report. Meanwhile Baptiste broke into the carriage to steal her ivory fan.
Walking back to Paris Baptiste convinced Jean-Luc to buy this fancy fan he recently found, gaining an extra Wealth rating on top of their reward.

Back in the city Jean-Luc decides to treat himself for a successful enterprise by purchasing a fancy hat.
The filous went to ransack M. Faucher’s apartment only to find Antoine Rovere and his mob tearing up the place. They were recognized by the Colonel. Baptiste got lost in the crowd, but Chandler had to confronted the veteran and one of his men. After a tense interrogation the filou bolted, with Rovere fast at his heels. The filou had to spend Mortal Coil to escape from his grasp.

We ended the session by rolling on the Exertion table (for reals this time) and reviewing experience. They got just a couple experience points, Baptiste cashed his optional advancement checkbox after helping the Noble faction. Since Chandler declared that he would become a passeur at the start of the session, he gained all the benefits of his newfound lifepath.

The party will lay low the next 3 months, recovering from open wounds and satiating their carnal desires. We will probably wrap this game next session with seasonal Rep and Wealth for the moment, until I get to lay out their next adventure (of which I have a couple ideas running around in my head :wink: :wink: ).