Logo & Font

Hi everbody…

Do you know where to get the Torchbearer Logo and Font from? I was writing up some stuff and want to make it look nice. Any help would be very appreciated.


Check out this if you’re making freely available stuff: http://www.torchbearerrpg.com/?page_id=76

Or this if you want to charge for what you’re making: http://www.torchbearerrpg.com/?page_id=78

Thanks for the links. My google-fu can be improved I guess.

I will provide my stuff for free…

The fonts aren’t included in those packages because we don’t have the rights for distribution.
However, you can replace the font in the style sheets and use whatever you’d like.

I hope I did it correct…

Quick question: I’m curious where I can find the bullet points. On page 182 of the core rulebook I see three types.

Also, Relborn… How were you able to get the textured background into your PDF that looks like a page? I can’t figure it out for the life of me.

Any help is much appreciated!

Hello GroverBomb,

I just used the files that are provided on the Torchbearer site. Go searching for the Dungeoneer Kit or the Saga kit. Have fun…

Thanks man!

I had downloaded both kits, but for some reason I can’t find any file for that textured looking background. How were you able to get it?

I also don’t see any directions about the bullet point glyphs that they use in the core book. I’m using InDesign, but I’m really new at it so maybe I’m just missing something!

If you want to get the fonts:

Logotype: Marisco
Adventure titles: Blackmoor
Headings/Text: ITC Souvenir family
Bullet glyphs: Adobe Wood Type Ornaments

Thanks! That’s exactly what I needed.