I’m a player looking for a group to LEARN Torchbearer with. I have all the product available for the game and I’ve read the book. I’m an avid BW player so I understand the core element of the system and the approach to it. I playtested the game at PAX so I played like 2 hours already so I guess the learning curve would not be too bad. I have time and commitment to offer, I’m in EST.
I dont know if this is the right place to post this but I’m giving it a shot!
I am in a play by post game on the Unseen Servant. We are just finishing character creation - human thief, elf ranger and cleric. There was a fourth person, but they dropped out, so Stephen would probably let you jump in. Here is the interest thread: http://www.unseenservant.us/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3731. Create an account and jump in!
I’m going to be running a Burning Wheel/Torchbearer game, probably over G+, if that interests you. It’s not going to be fully torchbearer and is actually a fairly mid-to-large scale game. It’s probably not what you’re looking for, but it is going to have new players in it.
It’s alright. I just now read your username and realized that I was watching your videos before. If you want, I could change my game to just Torchbearer and still play it.
Thats really kind maybe we could discuss it in more details via email. Heres my adress: stillsameoldji@hotmail.com
Do you have a schedule plan?
How many players?
Let me know, if you do full Torchbearer I’ll be definitly interested!
I am running a full Torchbearer game using roll20 and either Skype or G+. We used Skype for character burning but I want to try G+for play. We are playing Thursday nights from 9 pm to 12 am EST.
I am running a full Torchbearer game using roll20 and either Skype or G+. We used Skype for character burning but I want to try G+for play. We are playing Thursday nights from 9 pm to 12 am EST.
Love to. I’ve been talking to sameoldji through PM… maybe we can all take this to email to figure out a time that works? Another couple participants would be good too.